
Dynamic Topic Modelling Tutorial Files

Primary LanguagePython

Dynamic Topic Modelling Tutorial Matias Hurtado Engineering Student, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile mihurtado@uc.cl

Advisor: Denis Parra Assistant Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile dparra@ing.puc.cl

Social Computing and visualization group, PUC Chile http://socialcomputing.ing.puc.cl

The following tutorial explains how to use Dynamic Topic Modelling (Blei and Lafferty, 2006), an extension of LDA (Blei et al., 2003). It’s based in the implementation by S. Gerrish and D. Blei available at https://code.google.com/p/princeton-statistical-learning/downloads/detail?name=dtm_release-0.8.tgz

The procedure here was used during my work that led to the research article “Twitter in Academic Conferences: Usage, Networking and Participation over Time” (Wen et al, 2014). Here we analyzed tweets posted during academic conferences in the Computer Science domain, and specifically we obtain the topic evolution over five years.

You can download the tutorial here http://socialcomputing.ing.puc.cl/uploads/DynamicTopicModellingTutorial.pdf