
A tiny script to convert drop-down lists/menus into select box navigation.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A tiny script to convert drop-down lists/menus into select box navigation.


  • Pure Javascript - no js library or css dependencies
  • Lightweight (374 bytes compressed + gzip)
  • Replace your existing list/menu with a <select> box (mobile friendly)
  • Option: Define an element ID to append selectMenu to
  • Option: Customize the default selected value (default is "Navigation")

How to Use

Method #1: Link to the File

Copy the following code and paste it into the bottom of your webpage just before the closing <body> tag:

<script src="selectMenu.min.js"></script>
	selectMenu('menu', 'select');

Method #2: Include the Script in the Page

Since the script is small, it may be preferred to paste the entire thing in the <head> section of your page and eliminate the additional http request:

	function selectMenu(b,a,c){var e=document.getElementById(b);b=e.getElementsByTagName("a");var d=document.createElement("select");e.style.display="none";if(a){a=document.getElementById(a);a.appendChild(d)}else document.body.appendChild(d);c||(c="Navigation");d.options[0]=new Option(c,"",true,false);d.setAttribute("onchange","window.open(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,'_top')");for(i=0;i<b.length;i++){a=b[i].innerText;c=b[i].getAttribute("href");if(b[i].parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase()!=="div")a="- "+a;d.options[i+1]=new Option(a,c,false,false)}};

Then, either call the script on body load in the <body> tag:

<body onload="selectMenu('menu','select');">

Or at the bottom of your page - before the closing </body> tag:

    window.onload = function(){
        selectMenu('menu', 'select');


selectMenu accepts 3 variables:

selectMenu('menu', 'select', 'title');
  • menu (required) - the ID of the wrapper of your list/menu that is being converted into a select box.
  • select (optional) - the ID of the element where selectMenu will be placed (if no ID is defined, the Select Box will be appended to the <body> tag).
  • title (optional - the text that displays as the default option/label. The default is "Navigation".


  • selectMenu searches for <a> tags from which to retrieve the link href and text for the select box. See the example above for sample structure.
  • If you have a nested list, you will notice that selectMenu will mimic the nesting with a dash ( - ), although it only goes 'one deep'. So ALL non-top-level list items will appear to have the same hierarchy as one another.

Targeting Mobile Devices

This is most surely covered better elsewhere, but since this script was created with mobile devices in mind, here's a quick and dirty way to activate it only when a mobile device is detected:


// Detect by screen size
if (screen.width<=699) {

// For iPhones/iPods specifically
if ((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i))) {
