
Reserved Account Creation Package with Monnify

Primary LanguagePHP


Reserved Account Creation Package with Monnify


  • Add this block to the repositories section of your composer.json file
"repositories": [{
        "type": "vcs",
        "url": "https://github.com/josiaholatunde/olam-reserved-acct"

and this to the requires section of your composer.json file

"require": {
   "teamapt/monnify": "v1.0.1"
  • Run the command below to add the package as a dependency to your magento application
composer require teamapt/monnify:v1.0.1

where v1.0.1 is the latest tag of the extension. You can then run the following commands to enable the module(plugin) and update the db schema

php bin/magento module:enable Teamapt_Monnify --clear-static-content 
php bin/magento setup:upgrade 
php bin/magento setup:di:compile 
php bin/magento cache:clean
  • Visit the Admin page of your magento application. On the left side bar, you should see a menu tab with the title Reserved Account
  • Click on the Reserved Accounts tab. This page lists all existing configurations such as your test and production credentials
  • Click on Add Config button to add a new configuration
  • After creating a new config, you should click on the Set Active action link on the right side of each row to enable the config hyou intend to use for creating the reserved account.

Accessing the API

The API URL for creating the reserved account : {yourMagentoBaseUrl}/rest/V1/reserved-account . The API returns the reserved account details if the accountReference already exists on monnify or creates a new reserved account if it does not exist on Monnify Here is a sample valid request:

	"accountReference": "evans",
	"customerName": "Jacob Evans",
	"customerEmail": "jacobevans@gmail.com",
	"accountName": "Jacob Evans"

Here is a sample valid response

    "requestSuccessful": true,
    "data": {
      "bankAccountName": "Unique Solutions-Jac",
      "bankAccountNumber": "5000134139",
      "bankName": "Wema bank",
      "bankCode": "035",
      "accountReference": "evansolam",
      "customerName": "Jacob Evans",
      "customerEmail": "jacobevans@gmail.com"

Here is a sample invalid request:

	"accountReference": "evansjj"

Here is a sample invalid response:

    "requestSuccessful": false,
    "message": "One or more validation error(s) occurred. Message: Customer name field is required. "