
Rent Manager is a rent financing platform that helps renters split their annual rent into monthly payments. For renters to get qualified to use Kwaba as a service, they have to get pre-approved for a rent amount. This pre-approval shows the renter how much they can get from Kwaba towards their rent. Find below how the process works;


  • Copy the .env.sample to a .env file to acess env variables and modify as appropriate to your development environment
  • Install all dependencies by running the command npm install on the server and client
  • To start the client and server app using concurrently, you would need to run the command:
npm run dev

To start the client, run the command

npm run client

To start the server, run the command npm run server-dev

Implemented Features

  • Authentication - Signup and Login using Json web token, middlewares for protected routes
  • Seeders for populating default roles, accommodation statuses
  • Rent Request creation and retrieval

Improvements due to time constraint

  • Admin approval of loan requests
  • Animations