
challenge for searching data in mongodb collections

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pipeline codecov

api nodejs + mongo collections exploration

This repository solves the challenge for searching data in mongodb collections receiving the properties in a POST request.

The properties might be:

  • collection name, the ones accepted are Product, Record, CustomDocument and Example
  • start and end dates to apply as filter, considering the field createdAt
  • min and max counts, internal value to relate to the count property with different structure such as array and number

Accessing production environment

The application is running on the web url: https://api-node-mongo-expl-josimar-jr.herokuapp.com/

To execute the request against the production environment run

curl --location --request POST 'https://api-node-mongo-expl-josimar-jr.herokuapp.com/fetch/Product' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json; charset=UTF-8' \
--data-raw '{
    "startDate": "2019-01-26",
    "endDate": "2020-02-02",
    "minCount": 50,
    "maxCount": 55

or import the collections in the resources folder to the postman and use the one with heroku in the name.

Running dev environment

To run the application in development mode it is required:

  • Node major version 12 or superior, recommended major version 14
  • Npm major version 6
  • Mongodb instance with available read permission (permission to run find method through mongoose) or docker and docker-compose available to get up and running a local/ephemeral mongodb instance
  • MongoDb compass installed to restore the base data. The data used in the application is available in the file
  • A tool like postman, insomnia, soapui or curl to perform the requests

Steps to have de app running in dev mode with local mongodb instance.

git clone repo_url app_folder
cd app_folder
npm install
docker-compose up -d

There is one required environment variable and to provide that create a .env file.

touch .env

Fill this file with a content such as:

MONGODB_URI=mongodb://localhost:27017/getir-test #change this connection string accordingly to your environment

To run the application locally connecting to any other MongoDb instance, provide the mentioned environment variable with the connection string.

npm start

The application can be ensure to be running by:

  • accessing the root path GET localhost:3020/ or healthcheck path GET localhost:3020/healthcheck
  • performing request in the endepoint POST /fetch/Product with suitable body

There is also in the resource folder a postman collection to be imported and perform the resquest against the dev environment.

It is also possible to run the application in dev mode with hot reload (any file change retrigger application startup), this is very useful when testing stuff. This mode is available through the command npm run dev.

The others availables commands are:

  • npm run linter -> runs eslint to evaluate code practices and style, some of the issues pointed by eslint are solved by running npm run linter:fix
  • npm test -> runs all tests in the application
  • npm run coverage -> gets coverage from the tests that ran before

CI is done using Travis and can be checked on https://travis-ci.org/github/josimar-jr/api_nodejs_mongo_exploration.

Code Coverage is done using Travis and CodeCov, check it on https://codecov.io/gh/josimar-jr/api_nodejs_mongo_exploration.

CD is done using Heroku and its integration with Github monitoring changes applied to master branch.