
A simple 2D video game I made long time ago.

Primary LanguageC++


A simple Space Shooter 2D game I have made in high-school. It was based on Mike Geig's "Introduction to 2D game programming with Allegro" tutorial. Everything was coded in C or C++03 originally, later I refactored C parts to C++. Some unnecessary optimizations might be found in the codebase (such as cache-friendly containers). They are not needed, however I wanted to practice the implementation.


Allegro is an open-source game development library. The game was built with Visual Studio 15. Download Allegro 5.1 version from Allegro Game Programming Libary site, and place /include and /lib in Spaceshooter/Allegro folder. After building, copy allegro monolith-5.1.dll from Allegro folder to Release. Unce upon a time, this also worked on Linux (as Allegro also works on linux), so there should be no problem porting it if


Sound effects I made with Bfxr and I grabbed fonts from 1001 fonts. Some art I made, while other stayed from the tutorial.