Project Euler ( is a series of challenging mathematical/computer programming problems that will require more than just mathematical insights to solve. Although mathematics will help you arrive at elegant and efficient methods, the use of a computer and programming skills will be required to solve most problems.
This repository is a collection of code solutions for Project Euler challenges. It provides complete code solutions for Project Euler challenges written in Swift 5.7.
- #001 - Multiples of 3 and 5 (solution)
- #002 - Even Fibonacci numbers (solution)
- #003 - Largest prime factor (solution)
- #004 - Largest palindrome product (solution)
- #005 - Smallest multiple (solution)
- #006 - Sum square difference (solution)
- #007 - 10001st prime (solution)
- #008 - Largest product in a series (solution)
- #009 - Special Pythagorean triplet (solution)
- #010 - Summation of primes (solution)
- #011 - Largest product in a grid (solution)
- #012 - Highly divisible triangular number (solution)
- #013 - Large sum (solution)
- #014 - Longest Collatz sequence (solution)
- #015 - Lattice paths (solution)
- #016 - Power digit sum (solution)
- #017 - Number letter counts (solution)
- #018 - Maximum path sum I (solution)
- #019 - Counting Sundays (solution)
- #020 - Factorial digit sum (solution)
- #021 - Amicable numbers (solution)
- #022 - Names scores (solution)
- #023 - Non-abundant sums (solution)
- #024 - Lexicographic permutations (solution)
- #025 - 1000-digit Fibonacci number (solution)
- #026 - Reciprocal cycles (solution)