
First Golang API using granitic.

Primary LanguageGo



First Golang API using Granitic

API includes following routes:

  • Index route to list all the people info (/people GET)
  • Create route to create a person (/people POST)
  • Update route to make changes (/people/ PUT)


  • Using CSV File
  • Using Local Dynamodb

Getting Started:

Using DynamoDB

To get started with dynamodb locally, there are couple of commands in the Makefile. So, in console run these commands:

  1. Install dynamo using Docker.

    $ make install-dynamo

  2. Start dynamo with shared db and inMemory configuration

    $ make start-dynamo

  3. Create table in the dynamodb

    $ make local-table-create

  4. Download the dependencies

    $ go mod download

  5. Use following command to start the server

    $ grnc-yaml-bind && go build && ./peopleapi

Using CSV Store

Goto common.yml configuration and change the following lines

    type: stores.DynamodbStore
    Name: conf:Service.DynamoStore
    Region: us-west-2
    Endpoint: http://localhost:8000


    type: stores.FileStore
    Name: conf:Service.CSVStore


  • Add validation on Update API
  • Add tests
  • Refactor

Thank You

Thank you all mentors who guided me through Go lang and Granitic