C++ Code Task

Primary LanguageC++


C++ Code Task

Task template:

class MyClass


int main()
  const char *szTestString1 = "Ni nI NI nI Ni";
  const wchar_t *szTestString2 = L"Ni nI NI nI Ni";

  // Invoke getNiCount(...) of class MyClass
  // Invoke replaceNiWithNI(...) of class MyClass
  // Display on screen: "Found X occurrences of Ni. New string: Y"

Task description:

  1. Implement the two functions getNiCount and replaceNiWithNI of the class MyClass:
  • getNiCount should return the number of occurrences of "Ni" within szTestString1/2 (case sensitive)
  • replaceNiWithNI should replace all occurrences of "Ni" in szTestString1/2 with "NI" (case sensitive)
  1. Invoke the two functions getNiCount and replaceNiWithNI.

  2. Display the string given in the last comment on screen. X and Y should be replaced with the real values.

  3. The class MyClass should be able to deal with both szTestString1 (ASCII) and szTestString2 (Unicode).

General requirements:

The code should be

  • easy to understand and maintain (Priority 1)
  • technically elegant (Priority 2)
  • as (CPU) efficient as possible (Priority 3)

You’re allowed to use all technics, toolkits and frameworks which are based on the C++ language.