Hi there 👋

Hi, I'm Radmila S. (M0rrighan)

A Full-stack web developer from Macedonia.


About me 👩

  • I am currently enrolled at studying to become a Full-stack web developer 💻
  • I am doing my best to learn the programming best practices and become a better remote software developer with the help of 📖
  • I would love to collaborate and contribute to open source projects. 👯
  • I would like to contribute to the field of Education Technology :female-technologist: in the future.
  • In my free time I love taking long walks immersed in nature. I love handcrafting and recycling. 🌱 ♻️

Languages & Frameworks 📶

JavaScript Sass React Ruby Rails

Tools 🛠

GitHub Git Webpack Visual Studio

Github Stats

Connect with me 📫