
get_ Keypoints?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hello, I have a very confused question about your's handling of JHMDB dataset tags. The experiment is very urgent. I hope to get your reply. In, you define a function: get_ Keypoints (self, idx, im_w, im_h, orig_boxes), return kpts_ Boxes, which is the largest bboxes of the original real bbox iou, right? But I see your code boxes=BoxList (boxs_sensor, (im_w, im_h), mode="xywh"). convert ("xyxy"), while orig_ Boxes=boxes. bbox,Description orig_ Boxes was originally in the xywh format and needs to be converted to the xyxy format, but in get_ During keypoints processing, idx_ to_ Keep=np.argmax (iou (orig_boxes, boxes), 1), you directly calculated the iou value and returned the index. Boxes has not been converted to xyxy. I know it is my understanding problem, but I don't know what went wrong. Can you tell me?

Thank you for your positive reply, but I still have questions, in Of the 170 to 181 lines, 177 lines, your code is boxes=BoxList (boxs_sensor, (im_w, im_h), mode="xywh"). convert ("xyxy"), and then to 193 lines orig_ Boxes=boxes. bbox, here is the converted form. Convert xywh to xyxy, and I compared jhmdb_ train_ gt_ Min.json and jhmdb_ train_ person_ bbox_ The value of "bbox" in the same "image_id" in the two kpts.json files is similar. Should the GT value also be in the form of xyxy,No conversion?

Fixed in the last commit.
It's nice that you have opened a new issue for this question. It's difficult to track the issues when the questions asked are unrelated to the original issue title

ok, thank you.