
Primary LanguageJava


Write a program that implements a method that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”.

Important: Your main method must not contain any logic for the FizzBuzz program. Use other methods or classes for structuring the code for FizzBuzz. Use only the main method to get input from the user, send output to the display and call the FizzBuzz logic.

Get your FizzBuzz program working as described above before moving on.

Now, put the working version in GitHub with a comment that says: "Working version of FizzBuzz"

Now, modify your FizzBuzz program as follows:

  • Make the starting number and ending number each a random number between 1 and 100. If the starting number and ending number are the same then print "Shazam!!"
  • Commit the above version to the same GitHub repository and for the commit message write "Shazam version of FizzBuzz".
  • If the starting number and ending number are less than 10 digits apart then print "This won't take long" before printing your solution.
  • Commit the above version to the same GitHub repository and for the commit message write "This won't take long version of FizzBuzz".
  • If the number is a multiple of seven print "this number is a multiple of seven" next to the number.
  • Commit the above version to the same GitHub repository and for the commit message write "Multiple of Seven version of FizzBuzz".
  • If the ending number is less than the starting number print "Ooops"


Only work on the bonus after you have finished everything else. For the bonus, modify your FizzBuzz program to print Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. next to every even number over ten. Only print one of the words... Rock or Paper or Scissors, etc ... and after you print Rock then then for the next even number print Paper, then Scissors, etc... So, yes, you have to keep track of the word you just printed and then use the next word in the list.

If the number has a word next to it (as would be the case for 30) then print FizzBuzz Scissors in place of the 30. (note: 30 may not resolve to Scissors depending on your starting number).

Commit the above version to the same GitHub repository and for the commit message write "Bonus version of FizzBuzz - I've got this!".