
This is a simple repository to include various tests over different data structures and algorithms for learning purposes

Primary LanguageC++The UnlicenseUnlicense

About this repository

This repository holds various tests over some data structures and algorithms for learning and practicing. I will try to test the algorithms' implementation in different languages and using different approaches.

directory structure

Inside the root folder, there is a script named run.sh. This script will call all the run.sh for the following sub-folders cpp-src go-src java-src net-src node-src npm-src python-src rust-src

This repository uses a dockerized environment that allows us to have a portable environment. It can be used from any machine with docker eliminating the need of installing and configuring dependencies. In the case of C++ environment will be tedious in case I just jump to another computer. My favorite language is C++, so most of the work can be found under cpp-src folder, though I want to have all the languages sharp.


To build, just run ./run.sh

compilation and debugging only supported on cpp-src

based on https://lemariva.com/blog/2020/10/vscode-c-development-and-debugging-containers

In order to use visual studio code, you will need the following extensions

C/C++ Microsoft C/C++ Extension Pack

docker image creation/running

sudo apt-get install sshpass docker build -t gdb-cpp-image . docker run -d -p 2222:22 --security-opt seccomp:unconfined -v $PWD:/source --name gdb-cpp-image gdb-cpp-image

REMAINDER: before running for the first time keep in mind that the ssh fingerprint should be known, so you can address it by launching an ssh connection to localhost on port 2222

About the author

If you wanna know about my professional career or just wanna contact me to discussing some technical issue or improvement in this code you can find me on https://josnelihurt.me or https://www.linkedin.com/in/josnelihurt-rodriguez-57268877/