
Simple example with HttpClient built in C++

Primary LanguageC++

About this project

This project aims to show a simple example of how to use a HttpClient in C++ by using the microsoft cpprestsdk you can find two examples of different type of http requests and how to handle it.

About CPPRestSDK lib

It's a library developed by microsoft to build http servers and http clients, you can find more information about it in the official repository

Getting Started

  1. Install the cpprestsdk you can do it by using directly apt repositories if you're using Debian based Linux distribution
    sudo apt-get install libcpprest-dev

  2. Run CMakeList to build the project makefile by doing
    cmake . to build from your root directory
    If CMake shows an error related to missing the variable CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH add the following flag to the CMake execution
    cmake . -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/lib/<your-system-architecture-folder>/cmake

  3. Run makefile to generate the executable

  4. Run the generated executable to test example the code

Sample API Documentation

A sample file could be found in the root directory here you can read this file by exporting it into the official tool for reading Swagger API documentation files swagger editor

You can find detailed explanation of how the API documentation works in the file :)