
Primary LanguageSwift

MoonPhases app

Example app intended to show basic concepts about app clips.

Steps for creating basic app clip:

Inferred rom: Explore app clips - WWDC 2020 - Videos - Apple Developer

  1. Add a new app clip target.
  2. Build and run the app clip. You should see a hello world
  3. Create a new shared assets folder with common assets.
  4. Add only needed source code to app clip target.
  5. Change base view on app clip to the desired one
  6. Test.

Linking your app clip:

Inferred from: Configure and link your app clips - WWDC 2020 - Videos - Apple Developer

  1. Add code to obtain URL when user launches it
  2. Add associated domains capability on app clip
  3. Add the URL using this format appclips:yourwebsite.domain
  4. To debug using Xcode select edit scheme for the app clip target
  5. Go to Run (debug)
  6. Select arguments tab and search for _XCAppClipURL
  7. In that field you can put test URLs
  8. Add code to route app clip based on URL

Tutorial Support:

Set of links used to create this presentation that can be useful later.

Must see apple resources to start:

Explore app clips - WWDC 2020 - Videos - Apple Developer

Configure and link your app clips - WWDC 2020 - Videos - Apple Developer

Apple Developer Documentation

Universal Links and Deeplinks Context:

IOS Deep linking: URL Scheme vs Universal Links | by Juan F. Caracciolo | Wolox | Medium

Universal Links: Make the Connection | raywenderlich.com

Deep Linking in iOS | iOS Tutorial

Summary and overview of AppClips:

Configure and link your app clips | WWDC Notes

How to get started with App Clips in iOS 14 | WWDC by Sundell & Friends

Ultimate Guide

Apple App Clips - A Definitive Guide for Developers | AppsFlyer