Digital scores for all composers in the Josquin Research Project, which focuses on vocal music from 1430 to 1530.
- antoniorv6University of Alicante
- awbirdsallAkron, OH
- bacorUniversity of Amsterdam
- craigsappPackard Humanities Institute
- cyrtaMetamedia Technologies
- danefilipczakNew York
- geelenb
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- harshshreddingMontreal
- jjhlgraber
- micahstubbsSilicon Valley
- mscuthbertHonolulu, HI
- nbrosowskyUniversity of Manitoba
- ohwjdVienna
- pepperpepperpepper
- ptorrasComputer Vision Center
- purindaisuki2047
- starwarsgeek1138University of Connecticut
- tan-weiBeijing
- tandersLuxembourg
- tbergman
- tompkinsguitarMicrosoft