
NLP Server using spaCy to extract information from a CommSy room name

Primary LanguagePython


Sooo... On Android, there's the wonderful CollapsingToolbarLayout. At least it's nice in theory. As soon as you try to implement a custom title, well...

While building an app for CommSy (hamburg.schulcommsy.de), I encountered the problem of the names of rooms containing lots of unnecessary information that made the title cut off. So I used spaCy to train a NLP model to extract all the necessary information from the room names. This project serves as an API for it.

This was hacked together from the spaCy samples in about half an hour, so the code may not be the prettiest (yet!).


Well. There's nothing much really.

/getNormalizedClassLabel: POST

parameters: originalName. Name of the room to be shortened.


PRs/Issues are always welcome!