
LaTeX style for Formal Grammars and operations on them

Primary LanguageTeX

LaTeX style for Formal Grammars


  1. Setup
  2. Documentation


LaTeX style for Formal Grammars and operations

In order to load the package, use the following code:


Once you have done this you can now create your grammar by creating a grammar enviroment and passing it a list of production rules.

    \pr{S}{NP VP}
    \pr{VP}{VBZ NP}
    \pr{PP}{IN NP}
    \pr{NP}{NN \gors DT NN \gors NP PP}
    \pr{NN}{steel \gors alloy \gors carbon \gors base \gors metal}
    \pr{VBZ}{is \gors contains}
    \pr{DT}{an \gors the}

Will output as the following:

alt text




  • Description: Creates a production rule to be put into the grammar.
  • Usage: \pr{var}{str_of_vard_and_terms}
  • Example:


  • Description: Creates an or in production rule WITHOUT trailing white space.
  • Usage: \gor
  • Example:
\pr{NN}{steel \gor alloy \gor carbon \gor base \gor metal}


  • Description: Creates an or in production rule with a single trailing white space.
  • Usage: \gors
  • Example:
\pr{NN}{steel \gors alloy \gors carbon \gors base \gors metal}


  • Description: Alias for the yields symbol in Sipsers CFG definition..
  • Usage: \yields
  • Example:
uAv \yields uvw


  • Description: Alias for the derive symbol in Sipsers CFG definition.
  • Usage: \derives
  • Example:
u \derives v



  • Description: Creates a production rule to be put into the grammar.
  • Usage: \begin{grammar}{prod_rules} \end{grammar}
  • Example:
   \pr{S}{NP VP}
   \pr{VP}{VBZ NP}
   \pr{PP}{IN NP}
   \pr{NP}{NN \gors DT NN \gors NP PP}
   \pr{NN}{steel \gors alloy \gors carbon \gors base \gors metal}
   \pr{VBZ}{is \gors contains}
   \pr{DT}{an \gors the}