
A Leiningen plugin which downloads, bootstraps and installs drip as the default JVM to use for faster startup.

Primary LanguageClojure


A Leiningen plugin which downloads, bootstraps and installs drip as the default JVM to use for faster Leiningen startup.

Clojure-external dependencies

Drip depends on gcc and other tools for self-bootstrapping, so you probably want to ensure you have the normal build-tools installed. On Debian-based distros you do it like this:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential


Note: Plugin is only designed to work on Unix-based system. With drip not having a Windows-version, the plugin is not designed with Windows-portability in mind.

Put [lein-drip "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT"] into the :plugins vector of your ~/.lein/profiles.clj. Leiningen 2.x is assumed:

A minimal config should look like this:

{ :user { :plugins [[lein-drip "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT"]]}}

After that execute the following code once, while in a project folder:

$ lein drip

If something goes wrong and you want to force the process to be run again, you can apply the force parameter. This will also upgrade drip if a new version is avaiable.

$ lein drip force

To upgrade drip to latest version, you can also use the following option:

$ lein drip upgrade


Lein-drip has been tested with Leiningen 2.0.0 and drip 0.2.2.


Copyright © 2013 Jostein Kjønigsen

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.