
Visualize inter-module dependencies in your TypeScript projects

Primary LanguagePython



tsviz is a command-line utility to help visualize TypeScript class-dependencies and graphs.


slnviz in a nutshell:

  • command-line driven.
  • exports a GraphViz DOT-file from a TypeScript project directory.
  • detects circular dependencies and flags them in the graph.
  • highlights places where dependencies are not found in the solution.
  • ability to filter redundant transistive dependencies.
  • ability to exclude certain kinds of projects (test, shared, etc) from graph.
  • ability to highlight specific projects, and dependency-paths in the graph.



tsviz is written in Python and targets Python 3. No additional modules needs to be installed.

It seems to work with Python 2.7 as well, but that's not a supported target.


If you want to visualize the graph, you need to have GraphViz installed, or use a online service like viz-js.


The following example shows how slnviz is intended to be used:

git clone https://github.com/josteink/tsviz
cd tsviz
./tsviz.py -i ../your_repo/ -o graph.dot
dot -Tsvg -o graph.svg graph.dot
# open graph.svg in your preferred viewer

To list all parameters and options use the -h flag:

./tsviz.py -h