
An event library that allows for firing events after a given set of events have fired.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

event-when Build Status

This is an event library, but one in which events and listeners are coordinated through a single object. The emphasis throughout is on coordinating the global flow of the program.

It addresses what I find to be the pain points of JavaScript programming: when does code execute and how does it have access to the objects it needs? Most event libraries handle the first well enough for linear sequences of event firing, but they fail when multiple events need to happen, in any order, before triggering a response. It can also require a lot of closures or globals to handle manipulating state from event calls. This library is designed to address those needs.

Most event libraries suggest making objects (such as a button) into emitters; this is to promote separation of concerns, a good goal. But we want to coordinate events from multiple sources. So to do this, event-when is designed to allow you to attach the object to the event/handler/emit. It also allows you to listen for events before the corresponding object exists. This is more like having listeners on a form element responding to button clicks in the form.

There are several noteworthy features of this library:

  • When. This is the titular notion. The .when method allows you to specify an event to emit after various specified events have all fired. For example, if we call a database and read a file to assemble a webpage, then we can do something like

    emitter.when([["file parsed, "jack"], ["database returned", "jack"]],
        ["all data retrieved","jack"]);
    emitter.when(["file parsed, "database returned"],
        "all data retrieved", {scope: "jack"});

    This is why the idea of a central emitter is particularly useful to this library's intent.

  • Scope. Events can be scoped. In the above example, each of the events are scoped based on the user jack. The emitter hosts a scope object where data for scopes can be stashed.

  • Actions. Events should be statements of fact. Actions can be used to call functions and are statements of doing. "Compile document" is an action and is a nice way to represent a function handler. "Document compiled" would be what might be emitted after the compilation is done. This is a great way to have a running log of event --> action. To implement the log, you can run emitter.makeLog() and then when you want the event action, filter the logs with emitter.log.logs("Executing action") for an array of such statements.

  • Stuff can be attached to events, emissions, and handlers. Emits send data, handlers have contexts, and events have scope contexts.

  • Monitor One can place a filter and listener to monitor all emits and act appropriately. Could be great for debugging.

Please note that no particular effort at efficiency has been made. This is about making it easier to develop the flow of an application. If you need something that handles large number of events quickly, this may not be the right library. Benchmarking a simple emit can be found in benchmark.js.


In the browser, include index.js. It will store the constructor as EventWhen in the global space.

For node, use npm install index.js or, better, add it to the package.json file with --save appended.

Then require and instantiate an emitter:

var EventWhen = require('event-when');
emitter = new EventWhen();

Object Types

  • Emitter This module exports a single function, the constructor for this type. It is what handles managing all the events. It could also be called Dispatcher.
  • Event Object This is the object that is passed to handlers.
  • Handler This is the object type that interfaces between event/emits and action/functions.
  • Tracker This is what tracks the status of when to fire .when events.
  • Filter This is a type that is used in filtering strings such as in filtering the logs.

Method specification

These are methods on the emitter object.

emit(str ev, obj data) --> emitter

Emit the event.


  • ev A string that denotes the event. The string up to the first colon is the actual event and after the first colon is the scope.
  • data Any value. It will be passed into the handler as the first argument.


The emitter for chaining. The events may or may not be already handled by their handlers (generally will be, but if it hits the loop max, then it clocks over.


Note that if ev contains the event separator, :, then the part after the colon is the scope. Handlers can react to the full string or to just the first part. The scope comes along into the handler to be called. The order of handling is from the most specific to the general (bubbling up).

In what follows, it is important to know that the handler signature is (data, scope, context, event). Note that scope is string while the context may or may not, depending on how the handler was setup. The function is called with the this pointing to the handler which contains a reference to emitter as well as other items.

As an example, if the event a:b:c is emitted, then a:b:c handlers fire, followed by handlers for a. The scope for both is b:c. emitter.scope('b:c') will call up the associated scope though generally the context of the handler is more appropriate.

Once an emit happens, all currently associated handlers will be called and those with limited time handling will be decremented. There are no supported methods for stopping the handling.


emitter.emit("text filled", someData);
emitter.emit("general event:scope", data);
emitter.on("general event", "respond with scoped target~");
emitter.emit("general event:scope", data);

storeEvent(str ev, off) --> emitter

This will setup a handler for the event ev which will cache its data and event object. This will be stored in the scope _cache value.


Same as emit.

  • ev A string that denotes the event.
  • off If set to true, this turns off the caching and eliminates it. To turn it off without deleting the cache, use emitter.off(ev, "_cache").


The emitter for chaining.


emitter.storeEvent("text filled");
emitter.once("text filled", function (data) {
    //do something

monitor(listener arr/filter, listener) --> [filt, listener]

If you want to react to events on a more coarse grain level, then you can use the monitor method.


  • no args. returns array of active listeners.
  • filter Of filter type. Any event that matches the filter will be monitored. If an array of [filter, true] is passed in, that the filter will be negated.
  • listener This is a function that will respond to the event. It will receive the event being emitted, the data, and the emitter object itself. It has no context other than what is bound to it using .bind.
  • listener arr If listener array is passed in as first (and only) argument, then the array is removed from the relevant array.


Listener array of filter, function when assigning. Use this to remove the monitoring. The returned array also has a .orig property containing the original filter type.


emitter.monitor(/bob/, function(ev, data, emitter) {
    console.log("bob in ", ev, " with ", data);
    emitter.emit("mischief managed");

Note if you were to emit "bob" in the above monitor, then we would have an infinite loop.

when(arr/str events, str ev ) --> tracker

This is how to do some action after several different events have all fired. Firing order is irrelevant. The order is determined by how it was added.


  • events A string or an array of strings. These represent the events that need to be fired before emitting the event ev.
  • ev This is the event that gets emitted after all the events have taken place. It should be an event string.


Tracker object. This is what one can use to manipulate the sequence of events. See Tracker type

The tracker is listed under the scope of the event to emit.

string arguments

The events and the event to emit both have a mini-dsl that one can use to modify the output. For both, the dsl is initiated with a !. The last exclamation point is the one to be used. If you want a ! in the string other than that, you can end the string with a period and nothing after it to avoid accidental invocations.

The syntax is basically as follows: !timing Pipes Mode Spacing is optional.

For incoming messages, the timing refers to how many times to listen for the event before allowing the when to be emitted. It can have a second number which says how many more times it will listen and record the data, but it will not stop the emitting. The timing should be either an integer or the string oo representing infinity. A leading infinity does not make sense as the .when would never be emitted. So if there is a single oo, then it is assumed to be a non-blocking event. One can have 0 as the leading time which means no blocking as well. The default is euivalent to 1 0 and oo is equivalent to 0oo. Spaces are optional between a number and oo.

The pipes should be of the form =>pipename and basically feeds the data into a data cleaning/formatting function, registered in the .pipes command. These should ideally be simple, functional units. The signature of the pipe is (incoming, existing value) --> value. The value is used based on the default last character, which is to simply replace it.

The mode is a single character. For incoming events, these should be:

  • =. This replaces whatever existing value for the event there is with the incoming.
  • -. Do not record the event at all. Just a silent listener.
  • ,. The value will be an array and each emission adds another element to the array.
  • +. This adds the value with the existing value and uses that to replace. A shortcut from a pipe that could do the same.
  • *. This multiples the incoming and existing.

For the toEmit event, there is only a single number which is relevant. The number indicates how many times to reset the .when. oo will mean the .when always resets.

The pipe portion of the syntax is an opportunity to work on the data before emitting.

The last character has the following implications:

  • , This issues the event as an array of the event values. They are arranged in the order that the events were added to the .when, not as emitted. This is the default.
  • & This returns a Map of [event, data]. It will have the order of being added to .when. This will have the event listed in the fashion it was listed. That is, if there is no scope for the .when but was emitted with one, it is ignored by default though the pipe could do something with it as part of the data.
  • =, This is the same as the , except that if there is only one value, then it returns that value instead of an array.
  • @ This is similar to the one returning a Map, but it returns an array instead.
  • ^ This will return an array of [event, data], similar to \, but it does so in the order of emitting. This will report the same event being fired multiple times (if being listened for that) interspersed. The value given to the event's pipe is always null. This does include the full event (with scope).


If an incoming event is listed with : at the end (before the last ! if present), then it will have a scope added to it. If the third argument of .when is present, then that becomes the scope. If not present, then the scope is that of the event to be emitted's scope, if that is present. If neither is present, then there is no scope.


If an event fires more times than is counted and later the when is reset, those extra times do not get counted.


emitter.on("data gathered", function (data) {
    data.forEach(function (el) {
        switch (el[0]) {
            case "file read" :
                // reports fileobj
                console.log("file", el[1]);
            case "db returned" : 
                // reports dbobj
                console.log("db", el[1]);
emitter.when(["file read", "db returned"], "data gathered");
emitter.when("something more", "data gathered");
emitter.emit("db returned", dbobj);
emitter.emit("file read:some", fileobj);
emitter.emit("something more");

emitter will automatically emit "data gathered" after third emit with data [ fileobj, dbobj, null ]

Notice that if the event is a parent event of what was emitted, then the full event name is placed in the third slot.

on(str ev, str action, function f, obj context ) --> Handler

Associates action with event ev for firing when ev is emitted. The optionals are detected based on kind so the order and relevance is optional.


  • ev The event string on which to call the action. If this ends in ~, then this signals that there shold be a scope object, which will be created now if it does not exist.
  • action This is a string and is what identifies the handler. It should be written as a "do this" while the event is "something is done". If it has a colon in it, then the part after the colon is considered a context that can be used to distinguish different actions. In particular, if there is no context object passed in, then this string is used to identify a scope that gets passed in.
  • f. If an action string is not already defined with a function, one can associate a function with it by passing in one. The call signature is data, scope, emitter, context. The name of the function, if none, will be set to the action.
  • context. This is either a string that uses the named scope of emitter as the context or it is an object that can be used directly. If it ends in ~, then it will be called in as the object and created now if necessary.


The Handler which can be further manipulated, such as by once. It can be used to remove the handler though the action string is preferred.

The Handler has a variety of properties that can be used to understand the action to be taken:

  • event. This is the event that it is listening for.
  • fullAction. This is the full action string.
  • action. This is the action that may be used to look up the function to use.
  • emitter. The emitter is stored here for use in the execute call.
  • context. The context object, if there is one.
  • contextStr. The context string, if there is one.


This takes in some json,

emitter.on("json received", "parse json", function(data) {
  this.json = JSON.parse(data);
}, record, {});

off(str/array/fun/reg events, str action, bool nowhen) --> emitter

This removes handlers.


This function behavior changes based on the number of arguments

  • No arguments. This removes all handlers from all events. A complete reset.

  • events. This is the event string to remove the handlers from. If nothing else is provided, all handlers for that event are removed. This could also be an array of event strings in which case it is applied to each one. Or it could be an Array.filter function or a RegExp that should match the strings whose events should have their handlers trimmed. Or it could be null, in which case all events are searched for the removal of the given handler.

  • action. This should be an action string that identifies what to remove.

    If action is a boolean, then it is assumed to be nowhen for the whole event removal. If it is null, then it is assumed all handlers of the events should be removed.

  • nowhen If true, then it does not remove the handler associated with the tracker handler.


Emitter for chaining.


// removes action `empty trash` from "full:bob"
emitter.off("full trash:bob", "empty trash");
// removes all handlers to all events with :bob as last 
// removes all listed events that have action "whatever"
emitter.off(["first", "second"], "whatever");
// function filter
emitter.off(function (ev) { return (ev === "what");}, "action now");

once(str event, action, int n, f, context) --> handler h

This attaches the actopm to fire when event is emitted. But it is tracked to be removed after firing n times. Given its name, the default n is 1.


  • event Any string. The event that is being listened for.
  • action. A string to be listed as the action taken.
  • n The number of times to fire. Should be a positive integer.
  • f, context. These are on arguments. See on's optional arguments. Should be after n; if n is not present, they can safely start in argument 3.


The handler produced by the underlying 'on' call; it has the additional property of a count.


// talk with bob just once when event "bob" happens
// this will be the object brief
emitter.once("bob", "talk with bob", brief);
// talk with jack three times, using brief each time
emitter.once("jack", "talk with jack", 3, brief);

stop(filter toRemove, bool neg) --> emitter

This is a general purpose maintainer of the queue. It will remove the events that match the first argument in some appropriate way.


  • No argument. Removes all queued events.
  • toRemove as boolean true. Current event on queue gets removed, any active handler is stopped.
  • toRemove Any filter type. If an event matches, it is removed.
  • neg. Reverse match semantics of filter type.


Emitter for chaining.


// stop crazy from acting
// stop all events
// stop next event on queue
// stop all events with button in title

cache(str request/arr [ev, data, timing], str returned, fun process/str emit, str emit) --> emitter

This is how to cache an event request. This will ensure that the given event will only be called once. The event string should be unique and the assumption is that the same data would be used. If not, one will have problems.


  • request This is an event to be emitted. It can be either a string or an array with data and timing. If multiple events are needed, use a single event to trigger them.
  • returned This is the event to wait for indicating that the process is complete. Both request and returned should be the same for caching the request. But only the request is the cache key.
  • res This takes in the data from the returned event and processes it. The return value is the data used by the final emit. If the emit string is empty, then the return value is not used and it is expected that res will do the emitting. It is a function that takes (data, cache args) called in the context of the event emitter.
  • emit This is what gets emitted upon obtaining the value. If res is not present, this can be the third argument and the data will simply be passed along.

action(str name, f function, obj context ) --> depends

This allows one to associate a string with handler primitive for easier naming. It should be active voice to distinguish from event strings. Action with function is the primary use, but one can also have contexts associated with it. Most of the time it is better to associate a context with the on operation.


  • name This is the action name. If it has a colon, then a context can be called upon from the scopes by that name. A :* will reflect the action name as the context name.
  • f The function action to take.
  • context If present, it is what is passed along to the execution of the handler in the third slot.


  • 0 arguments. Returns the whole list of defined actions.
  • 1 argument. Returns the action object associated with the action.
  • 2 arguments, second null. Deletes associated action. Returns that deleted action object.
  • 2, 3 arguments. Returns emitter.


This example demonstrates that an action should be an action sentence followed by something that does that action. Here the emit event sends a doc string to be compiled. It does so, gets stored, and then the emitter emits it when all done. Note files is the context that the handler is called in.

emitter.action("compile document", function (data, scope, emitter) {
    var files = this;
    var doneDoc = compile(data);
    emitter.emit("document compiled", doneDoc);
}, files);

actions(arr/bool/fun/reg/str filter, bool neg) --> obj

This returns an object with keys of actions and values of their handlers.


  • No argument or falsy first argument. Selects all actions for returning.
  • filter Anything of filter type. Selects all actions matching filter.
  • neg Negates the match semantics.


An object whose keys match the selection and values are the corresponding actions's value. If the value is an object, then that object is the same object and modifications on one will reflect on the other.


The following are various ways to return all actions that contain the word bob.

emitter.actions(function (str) {
    return str.indexOf("bob") !== -1;

In contrast, the following only returns the action with bob as the exact name.


The first one returns an object of the form {bob: handler} while the second returns the handler.

scope(str key, obj) --> scope keys/ scope obj / emitter

This manages associated data and other stuff for the scoped event ev.


  • key This is the scope name
  • obj This is whatever one wants to associate with the scope. It overwrites what is there if present. The value null for obj will delete the scope.


  • 0 arguments. Leads to the scope keys being returned.
  • 1 arguments. Leads to specified scope's object being returned.
  • 2 arguments (str, whatever). Stores obj as scope. Emitter returned for chaining.
  • 2 arguments (true, key). This returns a scope, creating a object (with no default properties) if needed.


emitter.scope("bob", {bd: "1/1"});

emitter.scope("bob") === {bd:"1/1"};

emitter.scope() === ["bob"];

scopes(arr/bool/fun/reg/str filter, bool neg) --> obj

This returns an object with keys of scopes and values of their contexts.


  • No argument or falsy first argument. Selects all scopes for returning.
  • filter Anything of filter type. Selects all scopes matching filter.
  • neg Negates the match semantics.


An object whose keys match the selection and values are the corresponding scope's value. If the value is an object, then the returned object values are live and modifications on one will reflect on the other.


Following the example of bob in scope...

emitter.scopes("bob") === {bob: {bd :"1/1"} }

emitter.scopes("bob", true) == {}

events( arr/fun/reg/str partial, bool negate) --> arr keys

This returns a list of defined events that match the passed in partial condition.


The behavior depends on the nature of the first argument:

  • String. Any event with the argument as a substring will match.
  • RegExp. Any event matching the regex will, well, match.
  • Function. The function should accept event strings and return true if matched.
  • Array. Any events that match a string in the passed in array will be returned.

The second argument negates the match conditions.


An array of event strings that match the passed in criteria.


// will match events gre, great, green...
// will match events ending with :bob
// will match if only great. Could also pass in ["great"] instead.
emitter.events(function (ev) {
    return ev === "great";
// grab events from emitter2 and match those in emitter1
keys = emitter2.events();

handlers(arr/fun/reg/str events, bool empty) --> obj evt:handlers

Get listing of handlers per event.


  • events. Array of events of interest.
  • events. If function, reg, or string, then events are generated by events method. Note string is a substring match; to get exact, enclose string in an array.
  • events. If an array of [filter, true], then it reverses the filter selection.
  • events. Falsy. The events array used is that of all events.
  • empty. If true, it includes undefined events with handlers of null type. This will only happen if an array of events is passed in and there are non-matching strings in that array.


Object with keys of events and values of arrays of Handlers.


Let's say we have handlers for the events "bob wakes up" and "bob sleeps".

emitter.handlers("bob") === {
    "bob wakes up" : [handler1],
    "bob sleeps" : [handler2, handler3]


This is where errors can be dealt with when executing handlers. It is passed in the error object as well as the handler value, emit data, event object, and executing context. The current full handler can be found in the second entry of the cur array in the event object.

If you terminate the flow by throwing an error, be sure to set emitter._looping to false.

This is a method to be overwritten, not called.


emitter.error = function (e, handler, data, evObj, context) {
    console.log( "Found error: " + e + 
        " while executing " + handler + 
        " with data " + data + 
        " in executing the event " + evObj.cur[0] + 
        " with context " + context ); 
    emitter._looping = false; 
    throw Error(e); 

The function emitter.queueEmpty() fires when all events that are waiting have been called. The default is a noop, but one can attach a function to the emitter that does whatever it wants.

makeLog() --> fun

This creates a log function. It is a convenient form, but the log property should often be overwritten. If this is not invoked, then the log is a noop for performance/memory.

emitter.log expects a description as a first argument and then whatever else varies.

The log has various properties/methods of interest:

  • _logs This is where the carefully crafted logs are stored. This should be the most useful and meaningful statements for each logged event.
  • _full. This is a complete dumping of all passed in data to the log, including the description.
  • fdesc This is the object whose keys are the emitter.log descriptions and whose values are functions that produce the log input. This is not prototyped; if you delete a function, it is gone. This allows for easy removal of unwanted descriptions.
  • full This produces the logs. Its arguments get passed to the filter function so strings match as substrings, regexs, arrays of substrings to match (exact matches did not seem useful for this), general function filters, and the ability to reverse the matches (maybe the array is useful for that).
  • logs This acts on the logs array instead of the full array. Otherwise same as the full function.


You should run the example in the example directory to get a feeling for what the logs produce.



emitter.log.logs(["emitted", "Executing"]);

filter(filter type) --> function

This takes in something of filter type and outputs a function that accepts a string and returns a boolean whose value depends on whether a matching has occurred.

serial(obj) --> string

This takes in an object, or objects, and prints out a string suitable for inspecting them. Functions are denoted by tick marks around the name, if there is one. Multiple arguments are output as if they were all encapsulated in an array.

Emitter Instance Properties

Each instance has, in addition to the prototype methods, the following public properties:

  • count tracks the number of events emitted. Can be used for logging/debugging.
  • loopMax is a toggle to decide when to yield to the next cycle for responsiveness. Default 1000.

It also has "private" variables that are best manipulated by the methods.

  • _handlers has key:value of event:[handler1, handler2,..] and will fire them in that order.
  • _queue consists of events to be fired in this tick. These are the event objects which get passed in as the second argument to the handlers.
  • _actions has k:v of action name: handler
  • _scopes has k:v of scope name: object This can be accessed through the function scope or the native get, set.
  • _looping tracks whether we are in the executing loop.


Handlers are the objects that respond to emitted events. They consist of an action string that describes and names the handler, a function to execute, and a context in which to execute. Handlers may also have various properties added to them, such as once handlers having a count.

In defining a handler, neither a function nor context is strictly required. If a function is not provided, it is assumed that the action string names a function in the action table to use. This is a dynamic lookup at the time of the emit.

A useful setup is to have a function in the action table, but to create a handler to respond to specific events with a given context. The context can either be a string, in which case it is taken to be a scope object in the emitter, or an object which will store the data.

new Handler (str action, fun f, str/obj context, emitter) -> handler

  • action. A descriptive text saying what will happen.
  • f. The function to execute. This is optional in the definition of a handler, but ultimately required to do something with it. The signature of the function is f(data, scope, emitter, context) called with a this that also points to the context.
  • context. String to name the scope to use for the function as this

Handler methods

These are largely internally used, but they can be used externally.

execute(data, str scope) --> nothing

This executes the handler. this === handler


  • data. This is the data from an emit event.
  • scope. A string which is the scope for the event. This is distinct from the context which is generally used for an action to modify something or other. The scope is more about matching up the event with a partiuclar action and context.


The handler will find a function to call or emit an error. This is either from when the on event was created or from an action item.

The function is called with this === handler, and signature data, scope, context Context and scope may be undefined. The emitter can be obtained from the handler.



removal(ev, emitter) -->

This removes the handlers from .when trackers. Used by .off.


  • this This is called in the context of the handler.
  • ev The event string to remove from the .when tracker.
  • emitter The emitter object is passed in for actions and log ability.




handler.removal("whened", emitter); 

off(str/array/fun/reg events, str action, bool nowhen) --> emitter

This removes handlers.


This function behavior changes based on the number of arguments

  • No arguments. This removes all handlers from all events. A complete reset.

  • events. This is the event string to remove the handlers from. If nothing else is provided, all handlers for that event are removed. This could also be an array of event strings in which case it is applied to each one. Or it could be an Array.filter function or a RegExp that should match the strings whose events should have their handlers trimmed. Or it could be null, in which case all events are searched for the removal of the given handler.

  • action. This should be an action string that identifies what to remove.

    If action is a boolean, then it is assumed to be nowhen for the whole event removal. If it is null, then it is assumed all handlers of the events should be removed.

  • nowhen If true, then it does not remove the handler associated with the tracker handler.


Emitter for chaining.


// removes action `empty trash` from "full:bob"
emitter.off("full trash:bob", "empty trash");
// removes all handlers to all events with :bob as last 
// removes all listed events that have action "whatever"
emitter.off(["first", "second"], "whatever");
// function filter
emitter.off(function (ev) { return (ev === "what");}, "action now");


Trackers are responsible for tracking the state of a .when call. It is fine to set one up and ignore it. But if you need it to be a bit more dynamic, this is what you can modify.

Tracker Properties

These are the instance properties

  • events The list of currently active events/counts that are being tracked. To manipulate, use the tracker methods below.
  • ev The event that will be emitted when all events have fired. It will emit the data from all the events in the form of an array of arrays: [[event emitted, data], ...]
  • timing This dictates how the action is queued.
  • reset This dictates whether to reset the events after firing.
  • original The original events for use by reset/reinitialize.
  • handler This is the handler that fires when the monitored events fire.
  • idempotent Set to true if it is safe to emit the event multiple times. Default is false.

Tracker Methods

They all return tracker for chainability.

#### add(arr/str events)

Add events to tracking list.


This is the same form as the events option of .when. It should be an array, namely [event, event, ...] where event is either a string or an array of the form [event, n, pipe, initial]. A string is interpreted as an event to be tracked; a number indicates how many times to wait for. A pipe is a function that can act on the incoming data and an initial value allows the pipe to act as a reduce.


t.add(["neat", "some"]);
t.add([["some", 4]]);
#### remove(arr/str events)

Removes event from tracking list.


Same as add events, except the numbers represent subtraction of the counting.




t.remove(["neat", "some"]);
t.remove([["some", 4]]);
#### go()

Checks to see whether tracking list is empty; if so, the waiting event is emitted. No arguments. This is automatically called by the other methods/event changes.

#### cancel()

Cancel the tracking and abort with no event emitted. No arguments.

#### reinitialize()

Reinitializes the tracker. The existing waiting events get cleared and replaced with the original events array. All data is wiped. No arguments.

#### silence()

This silences the passed in events or the last one added. In other words, it will not appear in the list of events. If an event is applied multiple times and silenced, it will be silent for the

Several of the methods accept something of filter type. This could be a string, an array of strings, a regex, or a function. All of them are being used to filter strings based on matching. Most of the methods also allow for a negation boolean that will reverse the matching results.

  • String. These will match as a substring of the being tested string. So if "bob" is the filter object, it will match any string containing "bob".
  • Array of strings. If the string is in the array, it will match. This is an exact match. So if we have ["bob", "jane"], then this will match "bob" or "jane" and no other strings.
  • Regex. If the string matches the regex, it matches. So /bob/ will match any string containing bob.
  • Function. If the function returns true, then it matches.
  • Array of [filter type, boolean] for functions that don't accept the second argument of negate.