
Spanish version of the Anders Björkelund HOTCoref system

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

How to run the system and replicate the experiments from the paper
"Learning Structured Perceptrons with Latent Antecedents and Non-local
Features" by Anders Björkelund and Jonas Kuhn (ACL 2014).

You will need to have 
1) the CoNLL 2012 data, as it is assembled after running the
skeleton2conll scripts provided on the Shared Task website.
2) the gender and number data from Bergsma and Lin (also provided on
the CoNLL website)

=== Scripts you need to edit ===
1) Put the correct paths to the CoNLL data in SETUP.sh
2) Put the correct path to the gender and number data in LANG_ENV.sh

=== Setup ===
1) Assemble the data into single files. To do this run the SETUP.sh
script. (It will create a folder './data' where it will put all the
2) You might want to set the JVM memory and number of cores used in
GLOBAL_PARAMS.sh. That's also where the beam size is set (which for
all experiments except the learning curves is always 20).

=== Replication of Experiments ===
1) The numbers for the big table (test set results, Table 2) and the
small table (development set results, Table 1). Run the script

2) The numbers for the learning curves (Figure 3). Run the script

3) The numbers for the bar plots (Figure 4). Run the script

If you are having problems replicating the experiments from the paper
above, see 'Sanity checks for replication' below.

=== General notes on how to train/test the system ===
== Training ==
Here's to train and test the using the system in the general
setting. If you're only using local features, no beam search or
delayed laso is required, and it's generally pretty fast. Then you'd
do something like the following:

$ java -Xmx20g -cp ... ims.hotcoref.LearnWeights -lang <lang> -in <train-file> -model <model-file> -features <feature-file> -cores <cores> 

where <lang> is either {ara,chi,eng}, <train-file> is a full
concatenation of your training data (internally documents are
shuffled, since the perceptron is an online algorithm, and if the
documents are ordered by genre that leads to a big drop), <model-file>
is the model that will be output, <feature-file> is a file containing
feature definitions, and <cores> is the number of cores (threads) the
system will use. The classpath (...) above should include all jars in
this archive (ims-hotcoref.jar and all jars in ./lib), see CLASSPATH
below for more details.

Additionally you have to pass the following parameter for English:
-gender <gender-data>

where <gender-data> is the Bergsma & Lin gender data.

For Arabic you have to pass the following parameter:

If you want to train the non-local model you need to pass a few more
arguments in addition to what's listed above:
-delayUpdates -beamEarlyIter -beam <beam-size>

where <beam-size> is the beam size (we used 20).

The feature files are located in the directory 'features', and are
named {ara,chi,eng}-fo-opt for the local model, and {ara,chi}-nho6-opt
and eng-nho7-opt for the non-local models. The additional files with
the suffix -bnf are the feature sets from Björkelund and Farkas (2012)
(as a baseline, they're also only local features, and are not as good
as the ones in ...-fo-opt).

Example training of English local model:

$ java -Xmx20g -cp ... ims.hotcoref.LearnWeights -lang eng -in /corpora/eng_train_v4_auto_conll -model ./eng_train_v4_auto_conll-eng-fo-opt.mdl -features ./features/eng-fo-opt -gender /corpora/gender.data.gz -cores 10

Example training of Chinese non-local model:

$ java -Xmx20g -cp ... ims.hotcoref.LearnWeights -lang chi -in /corpora/chi_train_v4_auto_conll -model ./chi_train_v4_auto_conll-chi-nho6-opt.mdl -features ./features/chi-nho6-opt -cores 10 -delayUpdates -beamEarlyIter -beam 20

The <model-file> can then be applied during testing by doing something
like this:

$ java -Xmx20g -cp ... ims.hotcoref.Test -in <test-file> -model <model-file> -out <out-file> -cores <cores>

where <out-file> is the output file, and the others the same as above.

A non-local model also needs the beam size passes during testing:
-beam <beam-size>

Example testing with English local model (trained with the example

$ java -Xmx20g -cp ... ims.hotcoref.Test -in /corpora/eng_dev_v4_auto_conll -model ./eng_train_v4_auto_conll-eng-fo-opt.mdl -out ./eng_dev_v4_auto_conll-eng-fo-opt.out -cores 10

Example testing with Chinese non-local model (trained with the example

$ java -Xmx20g -cp ... ims.hotcoref.Test -in /corpora/chi_dev_v4_auto_conll -model ./chi_train_v4_auto_conll-chi-nho6-opt.mdl -out ./chi_dev_v4_auto_conll-chi-nho6-opt.out -cores 10 -beam 20


The classpath always needs to include all jars in this archive. So,
assuming you are located in the same directory as this file, '...'
above should be expanded like this:

$ java -Xmx20g -cp ./ims-hotcoref.jar:./lib/jaws-bin.jar:./lib/args4j-20120919.jar:./lib/mallet.jar:./lib/mallet-deps.jar:./lib/trove-3.0.3.jar ims.hotcoref.LearnWeights ......

=== How to get ICARUS output ===
HOTCoref supports outputting trees following the format that can be
read by the ICARUS Coreference Explorer (ICE; Gärtner et al.,
2014). It can output both predicted trees, as well as constrained
"gold" trees (where the output is restricted to encode the gold
standard clustering provided in the input file).

To get trees for the prediction only add the switch -icarusOut while
testing, e.g.,

$ java -Xmx20g -cp ... ims.hotcoref.Test -in /corpora/eng_dev_v4_auto_conll -model ./eng_train_v4_auto_conll-eng-fo-opt.mdl -out ./eng_dev_v4_auto_conll-eng-fo-opt.out -cores 10 -icarusOut

will create an additional file
./eng_dev_v4_auto_conll-eng-fo-opt.out.PRED.icarus containing the
trees, in the ICARUS format.

To also get gold trees, add the switch -drawLatentHeads as well, e.g.,

$ java -Xmx20g -cp ... ims.hotcoref.Test -in /corpora/eng_dev_v4_auto_conll -model ./eng_train_v4_auto_conll-eng-fo-opt.mdl -out ./eng_dev_v4_auto_conll-eng-fo-opt.out -cores 10 -icarusOut -drawLatentHeads

will create both 
./eng_dev_v4_auto_conll-eng-fo-opt.out.PRED.icarus and

=== Sanity checks for replication ===
In order to exactly replicate the experiments a requirement is that
all input files are identical to what I used. Note that this also
includes that the order of the documents within the files have to be
identical (the SETUP.sh script should ensure this).

I cannot redistribute the actual data, but below is a bunch of MD5
checksums on the training files I used. If you don't have identical
checksums, then your input is different from mine, and you shouldn't
expect to get the same numbers.

If you are getting the same checksums (also on the output files), but
not the same accuracy numbers, then you're probably using a different
version of the scoring script. The one I was using (v7, latest at the
time of publication), is included in this package. (Also here the
scripts train_test_all.sh, learning_curves.sh, and bar_plot.sh should
ensure that this scorer is being used)

Here are my checksums on input files (what is produced from SETUP.sh):
$ md5sum ./data/*
476df4c181e3aaca848bd063c656731b  ./data/ara_dev_v4_auto_conll
ce248014fc9f7f1ad3650aa61b2e5d55  ./data/ara_test_v4_gold_conll
01e4b659ab8f657fd6aa87574935a335  ./data/ara_test_v9_auto_conll
3e834bb9a3919cfbdb83fdd6afeaf771  ./data/ara_train_v4_auto_conll
dbb0a6405f70a5995fbbe99a8da8ebd8  ./data/ara_train_v4_auto_conll+ara_dev_v4_auto_conll
1c32292a7991746a5afc80d34d2ed572  ./data/chi_dev_v4_auto_conll
d1615baad961cfaeafe84a1e98474935  ./data/chi_test_v4_gold_conll
9afea948802de954c80bca78db10c7e0  ./data/chi_test_v9_auto_conll
37720a42f2dcf0581671574f593f61e6  ./data/chi_train_v4_auto_conll
883715d16ceb97fc1825e4fb72565c99  ./data/chi_train_v4_auto_conll+chi_dev_v4_auto_conll
b8aaf724fb5ac095a712d04cc0afd14f  ./data/eng_dev_v4_auto_conll
6e64b649a039b4320ad32780db3abfa1  ./data/eng_test_v4_gold_conll
84a26ab11e952d414ab2b16270b54984  ./data/eng_test_v9_auto_conll
058536aafacc96d756f36eb9d2db5531  ./data/eng_train_v4_auto_conll
bf85980ce05f34ed6ab94684adf2d735  ./data/eng_train_v4_auto_conll+eng_dev_v4_auto_conll

And here are checksums on all the output files (Tables 1 and 2):
$ md5sum ./experiments/*/*.out
9cb1ef2f173762219f2aa95e97d7d42a  ./experiments/train-ara-fo-opt/dev.out
7503e19de9f68b8ab09c6ddad68e36c0  ./experiments/train-ara-fo-opt/test.out
6fbfa72f1b0f397301de045aa629c5b9  ./experiments/train-ara-nho6-opt/dev.out
a16c66e23cc8f056ad65023e36a3af4c  ./experiments/train-ara-nho6-opt/test.out
58af4e5818e95b8a47c056ec8d1b495d  ./experiments/train-chi-fo-opt/dev.out
0b92277d819695e1c3d826bacccfa34a  ./experiments/train-chi-fo-opt/test.out
2f2ead2bea9c23d00160c908eed205b6  ./experiments/train-chi-nho6-opt/dev.out
2f068785f74332abd478aabe36117269  ./experiments/train-chi-nho6-opt/test.out
9593a92ddad112f0388a59d1e17511f0  ./experiments/train+dev-ara-fo-opt/dev.out
8bbc0bbdb6e9e5481d7384ae39532966  ./experiments/train+dev-ara-fo-opt/test.out
e9f3b35ac3992d1d204616b13e3bcb3a  ./experiments/train+dev-ara-nho6-opt/dev.out
ac149f5bc1686848f39010008c5aa2a3  ./experiments/train+dev-ara-nho6-opt/test.out
ddf5824293d795fe8d2c2bca9ba8879d  ./experiments/train+dev-chi-fo-opt/dev.out
b2d04cd8429d8c592dbfffe202794cef  ./experiments/train+dev-chi-fo-opt/test.out
647b9c18c16d4a972a938e8f0d815d6e  ./experiments/train+dev-chi-nho6-opt/dev.out
f8a35e121335a81d44f3458f02573d87  ./experiments/train+dev-chi-nho6-opt/test.out
6f3dd64ebf1cfdede05deb9c742717b6  ./experiments/train+dev-eng-fo-opt/dev.out
b92eca3504f1a2d6265fc2c916790336  ./experiments/train+dev-eng-fo-opt/test.out
f5cb077502c9ce94224619badb65a171  ./experiments/train+dev-eng-nho7-opt/dev.out
8ec257a8793b1db0cfd0b437f86181fc  ./experiments/train+dev-eng-nho7-opt/test.out
51ebbe2cdd4c08e4af0dbd5c6b62cd15  ./experiments/train-eng-fo-opt/dev.out
64746ad545ff290556b323ec0a219f14  ./experiments/train-eng-fo-opt/test.out
d11b4f75297c98cd84f8055cbe8a70b0  ./experiments/train-eng-nho7-opt/dev.out
5b40b6d5f9b2f33f64fd7f58927f4233  ./experiments/train-eng-nho7-opt/test.out

Here's the checksum on the gender.data.gz:
4225413f051696f2674ffdd6b340f14c  gender.data.gz

I was using the following version of the GNU coreutils md5sum:
$ md5sum --version
md5sum (GNU coreutils) 8.21
Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Written by Ulrich Drepper, Scott Miller, and David Madore.

=== References === 

Anders Björkelund and Jonas Kuhn. Learning Structured Perceptrons for
Coreference Resolution with Latent Antecedents and Non-local
Features. ACL 2014.

Markus Gärtner, Anders Björkelund, Gregor Thiele, Wolfgang Seeker, and
Jonas Kuhn. Visualization, Search, and Error Analysis for Coreference
Annotations. ACL 2014: Demonstrations.

Anders Björkelund and Richárd Farkas. Data-driven Multilingual
Coreference Resolution using Resolver Stacking. EMNLP-CoNLL 2012:
Shared Task.

ab, 2014-06-06