
Make reservations using text message or slack command.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

Live Link: https://reservation-bot-j.herokuapp.com

Using Twilio and Slack to send a quick message to reserve a table in a restaurant.

Tech Stack

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Postgres
  • React
  • Socket.io
  • Twilio
  • Slack Commands


Clone project and install using npm

git clone
cd ReservationsApp
npm install


Setup ngrok, .env with Twilio credentials and Postgres url, and then start project. Inside project folder

touch .env
open .env
# paste your variables
# example
# accountSid=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# authToken=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# twilioPhone=+1347xxxxxxx
# DATABASE_URL=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
npm run start-dev

npm start should run client and server in same terminal. You can also run in different terminals. Just cd into each folder in different terminals and npm start

To test twilio (receive text message) then you need to follow this to use ngrok.

Similarly to test Slack Commands then you need to follow this to use ngrok.