
Scrape for new jobs so you have a quicker view of new jobs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Scrape for new jobs and display them on a react web page

The idea is that some job boards (linkedin) are filled with "promoted" jobs when searching for recently posted jobs. This tool just helps find those new jobs faster and more automize.


  • sqlite
  • node 21 (nvm use if nvm available)

Getting Started

  • Clone this repo
  • Run npm install
  • Run npm run start runs the server and ui

Running scrape

  • on server/scrape.ts the bottom function runs the different scrapes
  • you can change the source and options for each scrape
  • you can check server/sources/$SOURCE for specific options a scrape configuration takes.
  • after making changes (or not) you can run npm run scrape to start scraping process.

Adding more sources

  • create another file in server/sources/
  • extend the base SourceBase class
  • implement fetch (does the main scrape or fetch from an api)
  • implement mapData - takes in the fetch data return the expected SourceData
  • implement getSourceName - used for storing into sqlite db
  • implement name - a string name for the source
  • test using the server/scrape.ts

Sources Implemtned

  • LinkedIn


Url Structure (Note: these arent all the query params that may exist it's just the ones that we have documented. They are subject to change by LinkedIn) https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/search/? - baseurl currentJobId=3997599109 - job id to show &f_E=2%2C3%2C4 - experience level, they are a list of numbers (uri encoded) &f_TPR=r86400 - date posted (time in seconds) &geoId=102490898 - id location &keywords=software%20engineer - job search keywords (uri encoded) &origin=JOB_SEARCH_PAGE_JOB_FILTER - I think this is for tracking on linkedin side (assuming from the name), it doesnt affect search