
Manage separate host files, then combine them as one to update /etc/hosts.

Primary LanguageShell

Combine Etc/Hosts

Manage separate host files, then combine them as one to update /etc/hosts.

Usage: sudo ./combine.sh {option}


-a -- Add all files from directory path 'lists' (default option)

-p {path} -- Search a different directory path. (default: lists)

-m {pattern} -- Search for files matching a given pattern.

-f {filename} -- Add specific file only.

-d {domain} -- Find specific domain in files.

-wl {domain} -- Whitelist specific domain.

-bl {domain} -- Blacklist specific domain.

-r, -l -- Reset to standard 'lists/localhost' listing only.

-h -- This message : )


All list files should go in the default the directory 'lists', but you can always adjust the path by using the flag '-p' for pattern-matching a directory or filenames.

Lists should consist of IP address and domain(s). Examples:

📃 lists/development:

# Development Sites: dev.website local.website intranet corp

📃 lists/ad-blocking:

# Ad-Blocking Domains: adserver.abv.bg partnerad.l.doubleclick.net any-domain-you-want

First-Time Running:

By default, when the script is first executed, it will create a backup of the system's /etc/hosts as "hosts.backup", and also copy the contents to a newly created list file "localhost" in the lists directory (if not exists).

Running as Sudo

Due to root permissions set on /etc/hosts, it is required to run the script with sudo so that the file can be updated with the new list content.

