
NotesTeX-Markdown is a folk to create a pdf file using a markdown file with the template NotesTex using Pandoc.

Primary LanguageTeX

Notestex for Markdown

A simple template to convert markdown files to pdf using Pandoc and the package NotesTeX.


  • example : A simple example of markdown file with the configuration for creating a pdf with the package NotesTex
  • filter : Local Pandoc files necessary to create the pdf file with Notestex.
  • notestex: Copy of files from the Notestex Github.
  • template: The template used to create the pdf file using Pandoc. See the example file or makefile for parameters to Pandoc.


To create a document, simply write a normal markdown file using your favorite program (for example Zettlr). When you wish to create a pdf file. The minimal yaml header is

title : TITLE_DOC
author: Your name
institute: INSTITUTE
numbersections: true
email: email@mail

If you don't use that the cover and table of contents is not going to create.

The magic of this template is when you use Pandoc. The minimal command for creating the pdf is:

pandoc INPUT_FILE.md --template ./template_notestex.tex -o ./OUTPUT_FILE.pdf

the template files can be found in the folder template\template_notestex.tex. Is necessary that Latex and Notestex there installed.

For a more complex example, please see the example folder. For more command see the documentation on the official Github for NotesTeX.