
Digit recognizer full stack web app and classifier

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



author license

HTML, CSS (SCSS/Sass) and JavaScript (jQuery) interactve and responsive front-end UI on top of a Python (Flask, Flask-RESTful, Flask-Caching, Flask-FlatPages, Flask-SQLAlchemy) back-end API and database*, implementing Python (numpy, sklearn, opencv) machine learning model building** and image recognition preprocessing*** via asyncronous encoded requests. Integrated with Git source control.

  • * Database automatically clears itself up only when the application is booted, therefore it is not adviced to delete stored files whilist the processes are still running.

  • ** Predictions are carried out by analyzing individual pixels, which might negatively impact accuracy. More advanced techniques (hog features, stroke sequence...) would result in improved performance.

  • *** Preprocessing does not scale image with stroke width, which leads to poorer results as the image size increases.

Popup screen Prediction result
popup-screen prediction-result


  1. Install Python >= 3.6
  2. Install package manager pip
  3. Install virtualenv
$ pip install virtualenv
  1. Create an environment
$ virtualenv ENV
  1. Activate the environment
$ source /path/to/ENV/bin/activate
$ \path\to\ENV\Scripts\activate
  1. Install requirements.txt
$ /path/to/ENV/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Run run.py in root
$ python run.py
  1. Open localhost port server link

See info.html for further details.