
Network science abstract data types

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Network science abstract data types

scinet.Graph is designed upon the graph (abstract data type) definition and functions as a bare bones skeletal graph data mapping, containing abstract vertices and edges.

Includes DiGraph and MultiGraph support, with HyperGraph capabilities.


  1. Install Python >= 3.8
  2. Install scinet
$ pip install scinet-josugoar


Import scinet

import scinet as sn

Create graph

G = sn.Graph()

Manipulate data

  • add_vertex
G.add_vertex(vertex := "foo")
  • add_edge

Edges must be assigned using hashable keys so that no name conflicts exist between source_vertex and target_vertex edges

key = G.add_edge(source_vertex := "foo", target_vertex := "bar"[, edge := "foobar"])
  • remove_vertex
G.remove_vertex(vertex := "foo")
  • remove_edge
G.remove_edge(source_vertex := "foo", target_vertex := "bar"[, edge := "foobar"])")
  • adjacent
(target_vertex := "bar") in G[(source_vertex := "foo")]
>>> True
  • neighbours
set(G[(vertex := "foo")])
>>> { "neighbour_1", "neighbour_2", ... }

See docs for further details.


  • josugoar - Main contributor - GitHub