
Multi agent model for perturbations in networks of networks. Used for Cell-to-cell communication with enriched pathways, using scRNA-seq or spatial data

Primary LanguageC++Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

c2c-sepia(also called MASFENON)

Framework for the perturbation in networks of networks using a MAS(Multi-agent system), enhanced with parallel and distributed processing. Specifically built for Cell-to-cell communication with enriched pathways, using scRNA-seq data.


  • armadillo
  • MPI implementation (tested on OpenMPI)
  • boost (eventually program options as well)


mkdir build
cmake -B build
cd build


The custom functions used for the scaling of the perturbation values (dissipation and conservation) are defined in <src/CustomFunctions> in the source folder


./build/c2c-sepia --fUniqueGraph [graph].tsv --fInitialPerturbationPerType [matrix].tsv --typeInteractionFolder [typesInteractionFolder]

The options are the following:

  • --help => print help section
  • --fUniqueGraph (obligatory if there is only a single topology structure for the agents, otherwise see) => graph filename, for an example graph see in resources or in test data. NOTE: if this option is chosen, graphsFilesFolder cannot be used")
  • --graphsFilesFolder (obligatory if --fUniqueGraph is not specified) => graphs file folder
  • --fInitialPerturbationPerType (obligatory if the folder with the initial inputs is not specified, this option is only available if a unique graph was specified for every agent, since all the agents will have the same topology and the inputs can be specified as a matrix in a single file) => initialPerturbationPerType matrix filename, for an example see in data
  • --initialPerturbationPerTypeFolder (obligatory if fInitialPerturbationPerType was not specified) => initial inputs folder, every file name follows the names of the types defined
  • --subtypes => subtypes filename, every row one string, representing the types that should be used, the intersection of the subtypes defined and the types obtained from the graph folder or from the initialValues matrix should be non-empty
  • --typeInteractionFolder => directory for the type interactions
  • --ensembleGeneNames" (no parameter) => use ensemble gene names, since the metapathway used in resources have entrez_ids, a map will be done from ensemble to entrez, the map is available in resources, if the metapathway is consistent with the data used for the log-fold changes and the interactions (the have the same gene names), this parameter should not be used. Only use in case of external data sources that have ensemble ids and the metapathway used is the one in the resources.
  • --sameTypeCommunication (no parameter) => "use same type communication, since it is not permitted as the standard definition of the model, this adds a virtual node for the same type")
  • --outputFolder (obligatory) => output folder for output of the algorithm at each iteration
  • --intertypeIterations => number of iterations for intertype communication
  • --intratypeIterations => number of iterations for intratype communication
  • --timestep => timestep to use for the iteration, the final time is iterationIntracell*iterationIntercell*timestep
  • --dissipationModel => (string) the dissipation model for the computation, available models are: 'none (default)','power','random','periodic','scaled' and 'custom'
  • --dissipationModelParameters => parameters for the dissipation model, for the power dissipation indicate the base, for the random dissipation indicate the min and max value, for the periodic dissipation indicate the period
  • --graphsFilesFolder => graphs (pathways or other types of graphs) file folder IMPORTANT not yet implemented loading for these graphs into the different computations
  • --conservationModel => (string) the conservation model used for the computation, available models are: 'none (default)','scaled','random' and 'custom'
  • --conservationModelParameters => parameters for the dissipation model, for the scaled parameter the constant used to scale the conservation final results, in the case of random the upper and lower limit (between 0 and 1)
  • --saturation => use saturation of values, default to 1, if another value is needed, use the saturationTerm
  • --saturationTerm => defines the limits of the saturation [-saturationTerm,saturationTerm]
  • --conservateInitialNorm => conservate the initial euclidean norm of the perturbation values, that is ||Pn|| <= ||Initial||, default to false
  • undirectedEdges => edges in the graphs are undirected
  • undirectedTypeEdges => edges between types are undirected
  • resetVirtualOutputs => reset the virtual outputs to 0 at each iteration, default to false
  • virtualNodesGranularity => (string) granularity of the virtual nodes, available options are: 'type', 'node'(unstable), 'typeAndNode', default to type
  • virtualNodesGranularityParameters => vector parameters for the virtual nodes granularity, NOT USED for now
  • savePerformance => (string) output performance (running time, number of total nodes, number of communities, number of total edges) to the defined file, if nothing is specified the performance are not saved
  • loggingOptions => (string) logging options, available options are: 'all','none', default to all


For the structure of the input see the following reference example data in the repository:

  • Graph:
    • Generic graph: data/testdata/testGraph/edges-Graph1-general.tsv, these graphs are represented with set of edges and the nodes are added from the Initial values file. IMPORTANT If there are no edges, the file need to exist as well since this information is used by the program
    • entrez-id graph(the name of the nodes are entrez-ids): data/testdata/edges.tsv
  • Graphs folder (the name of the files should be the types, with a tsv format and extension): data/testdata/testHeterogeneousGraph
  • Initial values of the nodes for every type:
    • Matrix (only with same graph for every type): data/testdata/testGraph/initialValues-general.tsv
    • Single vector (usable in both cases of homogeneous and heterogeneous graphs): data/testdata/testHeterogeneousGraph/initialValues/t0.tsv
  • Initial values files folder: data/testdata/testHeterogeneousGraph/initialValues
  • Type interactions, will be modeled as a temporal multigraph network of agents(see the file in the folder for the structure, you can create more files that will be seen during the execution in the directory specified as a parameter): data/testdata/testHeterogeneousGraph/interactions , type of interaction supported are weighted and with contact times (see data/testdata/testHeterogeneousTemporalGraph/interactions for an example of input)


different graphs, saturation at 1, dissipation scaled at 0.2, conservation scaled at 0.5

./build/c2c-sepia --graphsFilesFolder data/testdata/testHeterogeneousGraph/graphs \
            --initialPerturbationPerTypeFolder data/testdata/testHeterogeneousGraph/initialValuesPartialTypes \
            --typeInteractionFolder data/testdata/testHeterogeneousGraph/interactions \
            --subtypes data/testdata/testGraph/subcelltypes.txt \
            --dissipationModel scaled \
            --dissipationModelParameters 0.2 \
            --saturation \
            --conservationModel scaled \
            --conservationModelParameters 0.5 \
            --outputFolder outputs

To use the MPI version with 4 processors, the command is the following

mpirun -np 4 ./build/c2c-sepia-MPI --graphsFilesFolder data/testdata/testHeterogeneousGraph/graphs \
            --initialPerturbationPerTypeFolder data/testdata/testHeterogeneousGraph/initialValuesPartialTypes \
            --typeInteractionFolder data/testdata/testHeterogeneousGraph/interactions \
            --subtypes data/testdata/testGraph/subcelltypes.txt \
            --dissipationModel scaled \
            --dissipationModelParameters 0.2 \
            --virtualNodesGranularity typeAndNode \
            --saturation \
            --conservationModel scaled \
            --conservationModelParameters 0.5 \
            --outputFolder outputs


The framework can be used in every situation with the following structure:

  • network of networks, where every network is a weighted graph and the networks are interacting with each other via some connection of two nodes inside the two networks
  • every network can be abstracted to a single type (like in the biological case, every meta-pathway or pathway is related to a single cell or a single place)
  • the interactions of the types are done via a node in one graph(related to a type) that has a weighted edge to a node on the other graph (related to the same type or another type), the difference between the interaction inside the graphs and outside the graph is that perturbation inside the graph is done more quickly (more iteration to propagate the values intra-network) while the perturbation outside of the type (inter-type propagation) is done more slowly and after a number of propagation intra-type.

things to consider

The map file that is used for the mapping of ensemble gene names to entrez ids (required if the metapathway in the resourse folder are used) can b e found in the metapathways folders themselves. The one used in the tool is found at resources/graphs/metapathwayReactome/nodes.txt

The mapping file is only available to use entrez ids for the metapathway used and loaded into this repository, if the graph used for the computation is different there is no need to the mapping file and it will not be even considered during the computation

If the custom functions and scaling functions are used, the project need to be rebuilt with make

If the output needs to be in a single file for every type for the time series, the output folder where the iteration results are saved can be passed to an Rscript in this repository in the following way:

Rscript scripts/R/generalGetPerturbationCorrectTimeSeries.R <MASFENONresultsFolder>  <timeSeriesOutputFolder>


Under development, if any problems arises open an issue in the repository

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

CC BY 4.0