
Utility to create interactive *_hw.tcl* files for use with Altera's Qsys - now Intel's Platform Designer

Primary LanguagePython


A Framework for Building and Using Qsys Components with MyHDL


This module is an extension to MyHDL to create components for use with Altera's Qsys.
Aside from using the fantastic MyHDL to describe the logic it allows you to automatically generate the necessary xxx_hw.tcl file used by Qsys' GUI to represent your component. The generated xxx_hw.tcl file has both an Elaborate() and a Generate() call back that will ultimately call upon the Python/MyHDL code to:

  • validate and calculate possibly derived parameters
  • convert the MyHDL Hardware Description to the customised VHDL (or Verilog) for synthesis

Diving in at the Deep End

This is a minimal example for such an Qsys Avalon-ST component:
It takes a stream and swaps the elements in the data

Created on 24 Dec 2015

@author: Josy
from __future__ import print_function

import random

import myhdl

from Utilities import hdlutils
from Utilities import SimulateAvalon
from Utilities.Qgen import Qgen

def ST_elementswap(WIDTH_ELEMENT, SWAPS,
                Clk, Reset,
                DData, DSoP, DEoP, DValid, DReady,
                QData, QSoP, QEoP, QValid, QReady):

    ''' we swap the elements of the incoming data '''
    # although this is a  strictly combinatorial module, we still
    # need a clock and a reset to allow Qsys to validate the connection
    def bs():
        ''' the swapping is relatively simple '''
        for i in range(SWAPS):
            QData.next[(i + 1) * WIDTH_ELEMENT : i * WIDTH_ELEMENT] = \
                    DData[(SWAPS - i) * WIDTH_ELEMENT : (SWAPS - 1 - i) * WIDTH_ELEMENT ]

        QSoP.next   = DSoP
        QEoP.next   = DEoP
        QValid.next = DValid
        DReady.next = QReady

    return bs

def tb_ST_elementswap( q ):
    ''' the test-bench for our element swapper '''
    Clk = myhdl.Signal(bool(0))
    Reset = myhdl.ResetSignal(0, active=1, async=True)
    DData, DSoP, DEoP, _, _, _, DValid, DReady = q.makesignals('In')
    QData, QSoP, QEoP, _, _, _, QValid, QReady = q.makesignals('Out')

    dut = ST_elementswap(q.genericvalue( 'WIDTH_ELEMENT' ), q.genericvalue( 'SWAPS' ), Clk, Reset,
                         DData, DSoP, DEoP, DValid, DReady,
                         QData, QSoP, QEoP, QValid, QReady)

    # testdata
    random.seed("We want repeatable randomness")
    MAX_DATA = 2 ** q.genericvalue( 'WIDTH_DQ' ) - 1
    testdata = [ random.randint(0,MAX_DATA)  for _ in range( TEST_SAMPLES )]

    ClkCount = myhdl.Signal(myhdl.intbv(0)[32:])
    tCK = 20

    def clkgen():
        yield hdlutils.genClk(Clk, tCK, ClkCount)

    def resetgen():
        yield hdlutils.genReset(Clk, tCK, Reset)

    def stimulusin():
        yield SimulateAvalon.STfeed(Clk, tCK, DReady, DValid, DData, testdata, DSoP, DEoP, DELAY=10, MODE="None")
        yield hdlutils.delayclks(Clk, tCK, 10)
        raise myhdl.StopSimulation

    def stimulusout():
        yield SimulateAvalon.STbackpressure(Clk, tCK, QReady, "None")

    return dut, clkgen, resetgen, stimulusin, stimulusout

def convert( q , targethdl):
    Clk = myhdl.Signal(bool(0))
    Reset = myhdl.ResetSignal(0, active=1, async=True)
    DData, DSoP, DEoP, _, _, _, DValid, DReady = q.makesignals('In')
    QData, QSoP, QEoP, _, _, _, QValid, QReady = q.makesignals('Out')

    myhdl.toVHDL( ST_elementswap, q.genericvalue( 'WIDTH_ELEMENT' ), q.genericvalue( 'SWAPS' ) , 
                                Clk, Reset,
                                DData, DSoP, DEoP, DValid, DReady,
                                QData, QSoP, QEoP, QValid, QReady)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    def elaborate(qsysargdict):
        ''' the 'elaborate' function is called upon by Qsys while elaborating user input
            it calculates 'derived' parameters
        lwidthdq = int(qsysargdict['WIDTH_DQ'])
        lswaps = int(qsysargdict['SWAPS'])
        lwidthelement = int(lwidthdq / lswaps)
        if lwidthelement * lswaps != lwidthdq:
            lwidthelement = 0

        return 'WIDTH_ELEMENT', lwidthelement

              # parameters
              (('WIDTH_DQ', ('Natural', 32)),
               ('SWAPS', ('Natural', 4)),
               ('WIDTH_ELEMENT', ('Natural', 8 , (1, 4096)), True) # derived to show whether the swapping may work
              # connection points
              (('Clock', ('Clk', 0)),
               ('Reset', ('Reset', 'Clk', 'DEASSERT' ) ),
               ('Sink', ('In', ('Clk', 'Reset'), ('D', 'WIDTH_DQ',), ( True, ), )),
               ('Source', ('Out', ('Clk', 'Reset'), ('Q', 'WIDTH_DQ',), ( True, ), )),
              testbench = (30000, tb_ST_elementswap),
              convert = convert,
              elaborate = elaborate,
              gentcl = ('1.0', 'Josy', 'C-Cam/Avalon')

When we run this module without any arguments Qgen will first run the testbench, then convert into VHDL (or Verilog), and finally generate the xxx_hw.tcl.
The simulation output:


The generated VHDL-code is as trivial as you have expected:

-- File: ST_elementswap.tmp
-- Generated by MyHDL 1.0dev
-- Date: Thu Dec 24 20:14:04 2015

library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
use std.textio.all;

use work.pck_myhdl_10.all;

entity ST_elementswap is
		Clk    : in  std_logic;
		Reset  : in  std_logic;
		DData  : in  unsigned(31 downto 0);
		DSoP   : in  std_logic;
		DEoP   : in  std_logic;
		DValid : in  std_logic;
		DReady : out std_logic;
		QData  : out unsigned(31 downto 0);
		QSoP   : out std_logic;
		QEoP   : out std_logic;
		QValid : out std_logic;
		QReady : in  std_logic
end entity ST_elementswap;
-- we swap the elements of the incoming data 

architecture MyHDL of ST_elementswap is

	-- the swapping is relatively simple 
	ST_elementswap_bs : process(DEoP, DData, DSoP, DValid, QReady) is
		for i in 0 to 4 - 1 loop
			QData(((i + 1) * 8) - 1 downto (i * 8)) <= DData(((4 - i) * 8) - 1 downto (((4 - 1) - i) * 8));
		end loop;
		QSoP   <= DSoP;
		QEoP   <= DEoP;
		QValid <= DValid;
		DReady <= QReady;
	end process ST_elementswap_bs;

end architecture MyHDL;

Here is the ST_elementswap_hw.tcl:

# ST_elementswap_hw.tcl generated by C-Cam Technologies
# UTC: 24/12/2015 19:14
# Do Not Modify -- or at your own risk :)

package require -exact sopc 11.0

# module _toplevelname_
set_module_property NAME ST_elementswap
set_module_property VERSION 1.0
set_module_property INTERNAL false
set_module_property OPAQUE_ADDRESS_MAP true
set_module_property AUTHOR Josy
set_module_property DISPLAY_NAME ST_elementswap
set_module_property INSTANTIATE_IN_SYSTEM_MODULE true
set_module_property EDITABLE false
set_module_property ANALYZE_HDL false
set_module_property REPORT_TO_TALKBACK false
set_module_property ALLOW_GREYBOX_GENERATION false
set_module_property GROUP C-Cam/Avalon
set_module_property ELABORATION_CALLBACK Elaborate
set_module_property GENERATION_CALLBACK Generate

# +----------------------------------- 
# | parameters
# |

add_parameter WIDTH_DQ natural 32
set_parameter_property WIDTH_DQ DEFAULT_VALUE 32
set_parameter_property WIDTH_DQ DISPLAY_NAME WIDTH_DQ
set_parameter_property WIDTH_DQ TYPE natural
set_parameter_property WIDTH_DQ UNITS None
set_parameter_property WIDTH_DQ AFFECTS_ELABORATION true
set_parameter_property WIDTH_DQ AFFECTS_GENERATION true
set_parameter_property WIDTH_DQ HDL_PARAMETER false

add_parameter SWAPS natural 4
set_parameter_property SWAPS DEFAULT_VALUE 4
set_parameter_property SWAPS DISPLAY_NAME SWAPS
set_parameter_property SWAPS TYPE natural
set_parameter_property SWAPS UNITS None
set_parameter_property SWAPS AFFECTS_ELABORATION true
set_parameter_property SWAPS AFFECTS_GENERATION true
set_parameter_property SWAPS HDL_PARAMETER false

add_parameter WIDTH_ELEMENT natural 8
set_parameter_property WIDTH_ELEMENT DEFAULT_VALUE 8
set_parameter_property WIDTH_ELEMENT ALLOWED_RANGES { 1 4096 }
set_parameter_property WIDTH_ELEMENT TYPE natural
set_parameter_property WIDTH_ELEMENT UNITS None
set_parameter_property WIDTH_ELEMENT AFFECTS_ELABORATION true
set_parameter_property WIDTH_ELEMENT AFFECTS_GENERATION true
set_parameter_property WIDTH_ELEMENT HDL_PARAMETER false
set_parameter_property WIDTH_ELEMENT DERIVED true

# |
# +-----------------------------------

# +-----------------------------------
# | display items
# |
# |
# +-----------------------------------

# +-----------------------------------
# | connection point Clk
# |
add_interface Clk clock end
set_interface_property Clk clockRate 0
set_interface_property Clk ENABLED true
add_interface_port Clk Clk clk Input 1
# |
# +-----------------------------------

# +-----------------------------------
# | connection point Reset
# |
add_interface Reset reset end
set_interface_property Reset associatedClock Clk
set_interface_property Reset synchronousEdges DEASSERT
set_interface_property Reset ENABLED true
add_interface_port Reset Reset reset Input 1
# |
# +-----------------------------------

# +-----------------------------------
# | connection point In
# |
add_interface In avalon_streaming end
set_interface_property In associatedClock Clk
set_interface_property In associatedReset Reset
set_interface_property In firstSymbolInHighOrderBits true
set_interface_property In readyLatency 0
set_interface_property In ENABLED true
add_interface_port In DValid valid Input 1
add_interface_port In DReady ready Output 1
add_interface_port In DSoP startofpacket Input 1
add_interface_port In DEoP endofpacket Input 1
# |
# +-----------------------------------

# +-----------------------------------
# | connection point Out
# |
add_interface Out avalon_streaming start
set_interface_property Out associatedClock Clk
set_interface_property Out associatedReset Reset
set_interface_property Out firstSymbolInHighOrderBits true
set_interface_property Out readyLatency 0
set_interface_property Out ENABLED true
add_interface_port Out QValid valid Output 1
add_interface_port Out QReady ready Input 1
add_interface_port Out QSoP startofpacket Output 1
add_interface_port Out QEoP endofpacket Output 1
# |
# +-----------------------------------

# +----------------------------------------------------------------
# | Elaborate callback
proc Elaborate {} {
	send_message info "Current Directory: [pwd]"
	set command exec
	lappend command python [pwd]/ST_elementswap.py --QsysElaborate 
	lappend command WIDTH_DQ [get_parameter_value WIDTH_DQ ] 
	lappend command SWAPS [get_parameter_value SWAPS ] 
	set result [eval $command]
	# $result holds what was written to stdout
	# it should look along the line like: lwidth_d 10 lwidth_q 8
	# we don't care about '()[],' as we will strip them
	#send_message info  "QsysElaborate: OK -> <<<* $result *>>>"
	# now process the returns
	# split the result
	set r [string trim $result  "()[]" ]
	set l [list]
	foreach item $r {
		lappend l [string trim $item "',"]
	foreach {name val} $l {
		send_message info  "$name $val"
	#--- Sink In
	set In_d_width [ get_parameter_value WIDTH_DQ ]
	add_interface_port In DData data Input $In_d_width
	set_interface_property In symbolsPerBeat 1
	set_interface_property In dataBitsPerSymbol $In_d_width 
	#--- Source Out
	set Out_d_width [ get_parameter_value WIDTH_DQ ]
	add_interface_port Out QData data Output $Out_d_width
	set_interface_property Out symbolsPerBeat 1
	set_interface_property Out dataBitsPerSymbol $Out_d_width 
	#--- derived parameters that do not belong to a connection point
	set_parameter_value WIDTH_ELEMENT [ lindex $l [expr [lsearch $l "WIDTH_ELEMENT"] +1]]] 
# |
# +-----------------------------------

# +----------------------------------------------------------------
# | Generate callback
proc Generate {} {
	send_message info "Current Directory: [pwd]"
	set outdir [get_generation_property OUTPUT_DIRECTORY]
	set outputname [get_generation_property OUTPUT_NAME]
	set targethdl [get_generation_property HDL_LANGUAGE]
	set command exec
	lappend command python [pwd]/ST_elementswap.py -l $targethdl --QsysGenerate 
	lappend command $outdir $outputname
	lappend command WIDTH_DQ [get_parameter_value WIDTH_DQ ] 
	lappend command SWAPS [get_parameter_value SWAPS ] 
	lappend command WIDTH_ELEMENT [get_parameter_value WIDTH_ELEMENT ] 
	send_message info "Generating using command: $command"
	eval $command
	add_file $outdir/$outputname.vhd {SYNTHESIS SIMULATION}
# |
# +-----------------------------------

# +----------------------------------------------------------------
# | utility functions
proc log2ceiling { num } {
	set val 0
	set i   1
	while { $i < $num } {
		set val [ expr $val + 1 ]
		set i   [ expr 1 << $val ]
	if { $val == 0 } {
		set val 1
	return $val;

And this is how Qsys sees our module:

