jotacib3's Following
- adriantpaezNethermind
- AntiD2taNethermindEth
- bangott
- bradfrostBrad Frost Web
- christianechevarriaSan Jose, CA
- CodeForcerInternational
- codestrange
- CommunityToolkit
- digital-change-soft-hub
- dotnet
- dotnet-architecture
- e1Ru1o@NethermindEth
- educupUnited States of America
- ericelliott@Greenruhm
- frappeIndia
- Inf-SoftCuba
- ipqwery
- jbogardJimmy Bogard Consulting, LLC
- jvandertilNetherlands
- leynier@educup @lynot
- luiscarbonell
- makerkitSingapore
- markvincze@Travix-International
- noahflkSwitzerland
- novuhqIsrael
- olivenoli
- parcelvoy
- pdichoneBuild Apps With Paulo
- remix-run
- rwieruchBerlin/Remote
- shawnwildermuthWilder Minds LLC
- stdevMacNethermind
- tonyrbf96@educup @lynot
- trekhlebUber
- webmasterdevlincrayon consulting
- yaiceltg@WhiteTowerSoftWare