"A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn't even know existed can render your own computer unusable" -- Leslie Lamport

by @deniseyu21



  1. 根据上次的feedback survey,我们决定单独把lab go through的环节从meetup提出来。我会采取pre-recording的形式来录下lab的讲解然后把视频放在YouTube上面。会比之前的go through讲的更仔细一些。
  2. 我们需要更多的volunteer来host每周的meetup!如果你对某个星期的主题感兴趣,可以到calendar上面写下自己的名字和联系方式,或者联系Mossaka或林文。

For next week May 15, 2021:

  1. Watch lecture 18: Fork Consistency, Certificate Transparency
  2. Read Certificate Transparency, Also This, And This, but skip the Tiles sections and the appendices.

Meetup 17 Discussion:

  1. If you want to learn more about hash functions: sha256, hash, wiki
  2. To learn more about blockchain
  3. What is merkle tree
  4. What is public key crypto
  5. The byzentine general problem.
  6. The Bitcoin white paper is here

Meetup 5 Discussion:

  1. What is logical lock? Here is a course slide about logical clock in general.
  2. One of the most-cited paper ever in Computer Science is about Logic Clock
  3. Vector Clock
  4. Raft assume non-byzantine fault. Here is a summary of Byzentine Fault. Here is Lamport's paper you should read.

Meetup 2 Discussion:

  1. Randy Pausch's Last Lecture
  2. If you want to know more about Communicating sequential processes
  3. Remote Procedure Call has several implementations:
    1. XML RPC
    2. gRPC implemented from Google using Google's opensource high performance structure data serializer Protocol Buffers
    3. gPRC in .NET Core
    4. Implementing gRPC in Go
  4. Go Concurrency Patterns
  5. If you want to know more about Closure: JavaScript's Closure


Refer to this repo

Homework Recordings (Youtube Videos)

  1. Lab 3a
  2. lab 2c

Meetup Recordings (YouTube Videos)

  1. Meetup 22
  2. Meetup 21
  3. Meetup 20
  4. Meetup 19
  5. Meetup 18
  6. Meetup 17: Guest Talk
  7. Meetup 16
  8. Meetup 15
  9. Meetup 14: Guest Talk
  10. Meetup 13
  11. Meetup 12
  12. Meetup 11
  13. Meetup 10
  14. Meetup 9
  15. Meetup 8
  16. Meetup 7
  17. Meetup 6
  18. Meetup 5
  19. Meetup 4
  20. Meetup 3
  21. Meetup 2
  22. Meetup 1
  23. Meetup 0