Learn on this beautiful library and all of the things it has to offer.
From the very basics to deeper concepts
This git hub will provide the first steps from very basic configurations to start working all the way with threejs. It is splitted in different small projects.
I will work on Chrome latest version. I did not needed to go on many configurations, but there are some ocassions where you need to enable the webgl for the browser, in order to do so you need to find the flag that fit your needs and just enable it.
Some little server to expose things
A little server of nodejs to expose anything I need in no more than 6 lines of code could be an option. Why node in this case? well many of the persons that will read about this will need to know a bit of node, so it is a good option to do it this way.
server.js is the one that has the magic.
express static content is inside of public.
Start playing with the projects
run the installation with
$ npm i
run nodemon to start the server that refresh each time we make changes on the public folder
$ nodemon server.js
First project
So the first project is very basic one that comes from the mrdoob repo of threejs, to see that all is good and running as expected.
Still there is a lot to learn from the first concepts of this example. Perspective Camera, Geometry and Mesh. Scene and render with request animation frame.