
AIR Native Extension (ANE) to support joysticks natively on the Windows platform.

Primary LanguageC++


AIR Native Extension (ANE) to support joysticks natively on the Windows platform. It includes FlashDevelop project to build the demo, Visual Studio 2013 Express for Desktop C++ project to build the native DLL and batch files to build the extension into an ANE.

Copyright (C) 2014 Martin Sebastian Wain. All Rights Reserved. http://2bam.com


/ - is the demo. NativeJoystickDemo.as3proj is the FlashDevelop project to run the AIR demo for Windows.

/extension - Everything needed to build the ANE (call BuildANE.bat)

/extension/ane - is the ANE itself in case you want to just grab it

/extension/native/win32 - Everything needed to build the Windows DLL

How to build the ANE or demo

  1. Open /extension/native/win32/NativeJoystickDLL.sln Build the solution in Release mode.

  2. Edit /bat/SetupSDK.bat such that FLEX_SDK points to the correct Flex SDK folder in your drive.

  3. Edit /extension/unzip.bat to run your favourite command-line usable unzipping program. It must decompress file %1 to folder %2

  4. Execute /extension/BuildANE.bat (sometimes takes it's time!) -or- Open /NativeJoystickDemo.as3proj and build/run which builds the ANE automatically on each run (unless you edit /Run.bat)

How to use the ANE in your own FlashDevelop project

You must download the /extension/ane/NativeJoystick.ane (it's actually a ZIP file) and keep an unzipped directory of the same name for debugging. You must additionally modify two .bat files that FlashDevelop generates for AIR projects.

This is done in order to use the zipped NativeJoystick.ane when packaging the app for deployment and the unzipped same-name folder while debugging. Don't ask me why, that's how it works.

You can use the same directories as the demo /extension/ane and /extension/ane_unzipped, or use the demo as guide.

  1. Copy the /extension/ane/* and /extension/ane_unzipped/* folders to your project's folder

  2. Edit /Run.bat (generated by FlashDevelop) and add -extdir extension\ane_unzipped to the end of the adl command It should read something like: adl "%APP_XML%" "%APP_DIR%" -extdir extension\ane_unzipped This will allow the ane to work/debug before packing the AIR application.

  3. Edit /bat/Packager.bat (generated by FlashDevelop) and add -extdir extension\ane to the end of the adt command: call adt -package %OPTIONS% %SIGNING_OPTIONS% %OUTPUT% %APP_XML% %FILE_OR_DIR% -extdir extension\ane

  4. Right click on the NativeJoystick.ane file at your FlashDevelop's Project window and click "Add To Library"

  5. Go to Project->AIR App Properties and add the com.iam2bam.ane.nativejoystick text to the extension tab's list.

Tutorial on builing an ANE from scratch, step by step with screenshots is coming soon!


All source code is licensed under the Mozilla Public License v2.0 (see LICENSE.MPL.txt or http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/) with the exception of files JoyOEMInfo.cpp and JoyOEMInfo.h which are licensed under the MIT license (license text included inside those files) which uses code from FreeGlut by John F. Fay and FlashRuntimeExtensions.h which is copyright of Adobe Systems Inc.

All graphics (svg an png) copyright are dedicated to the Public Domain by a CC-0 license (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)