Project Name

Gallery of My life


For this project I created a gallery page to share pictures. Visitors can click on an image to see a description and use a button to "like" an image. Photos can also be added by adding a url, description and clicking on the Add Photo button.


Technologies Used

  • React
  • Javascript
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Postgresql

The process:

  • create an Axios Get call to retrieve information
  • create new component GalleryList and move information there via props
  • map galleryList
  • create a new component GalleryItem and move information there via props
  • display image from gallery
  • create a toggle to switch from image to image description on click
  • display likes and create a like button
  • create an Axios put call to update likes on the click of the like button
  • create a database and database.sql
  • create a table and add images
  • add a form component so user can add photo
  • create an Axios Post Call
  • add a delete button
  • create an Axios Delete Call

Additional README details can be found here.