AlleAlle Expresiveness Benchmark - Optimal Package resolution

This project encodes an expresiveness benchmark for the AlleAlle Relational Model Finder. This benchmark was performed for the evaluation of the paper AlleAlle: A Bounded Relational Model Finder with Unbounded Data.


To test the expresiveness of AlleAlle we encoded the optimal package resolution problem as a relational problem. This encoding was run on the problems used in the 'paranoid'-track of the 2012 package manager competition run by the MANCOOSI Project. Spoiler: the encoding of the package resolution problem in AlleAlle gives the same results as were published in the competition results.


  • You need to install Rascal. AlleAlle and the benchmark are written in it.
  • You need to checkout AlleAlle in your workspace. Please follow the install instructions on the AlleAlle Github page
  • You need to have a working version of the Z3 SMT solver (see the AlleAlle page for instructions)
  • If you want to check the found solutions against an 'oracle' you need to checkout and build the CUDF reader used in the 2012 edition of the MISC competition. You will need the main_cudf_check.native executable.

Checking a CUDF using the benchmark

  1. Import the 'packman-benchmark' project into your workspace in Eclipse (make sure that the AlleAlle project is also in the same workspace
  2. Run the PackMan.rsc module in a Terminal (for instance by right-clicking on the module in the Navigator and selecting 'Run-as > Rascal Application'
  3. Call the performRequest(...) function from the Terminal, i.e
performRequest(|file:///<dir/to/benchmark/project>/examples/paranoid/install/80e3fda2-9501-11e0-8001-00163e1e087d.cudf|, cudfSolCheckerExec = "/dir/to/cudf_solution_checker_executable>");
  1. Let it run and wait for it to be finished!