
Monitoring loop exits prematurely

metacosm opened this issue · 5 comments

The issue comes from the fact that the DestroyJavaVM Thread is actually present before the VM is scheduled to be destroyed in a lot of contexts (in particular, for daemon-like processes) where the VM isn't actually shutting down.

I'll reopen this issue and revert the changes, because JoularJX agent is running continuously even after the program ends.
I'll keep it open until a better solution is found.

Makes sense. Sorry for the issue.

@metacosm, do you have any additional insights about this issue?
Because otherwise, I'm looking to close it.

I haven't looked into it, to be honest. I don't have any idea off the top of my head to address the issue in both cases.

Thanks, I'll close the issue for now, and if anything new comes by, I'll reopen it.