
Package for working with Django views and request/response validation in more convenient way

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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Package for working with Django urls/views and request/response validation in more convenient way.

Inspired by beautiful hug.

Powered by awesome pydantic.

Getting Started

Simple API building example with django-hug.

In your views module create routes and couple API endpoints.

# views.py
import djhug
from pydantic import PositiveInt

routes = djhug.Routes()

def simple(request, year, month: int):
    return {"year": year, "month": month}

def pydantic_field(request, year, month: PositiveInt = 1):
    return [year, month]

In your urls.py specify new endpoints

from .views import routes

urlpatterns = routes.get_urlpatterns()

Thats all, now you can make requests to new API endpoints with convenient data validation


>> {"year": 2019, "month": 133}


Regexp path

You can also use regexp path

@routes.get("(?P<year>[0-9]{4})/", re=True)
def index3(request, year, name: str):
    return {"year": year, "name": name}

Request POST data model

Use Body base model to validate whole POST data using whole pydantic Model power

# views.py
import djhug
from pydantic import BaseModel

routes = djhug.Routes(prefix="api")

class RespModel(djhug.Body):
    id: int
    quantity: int

def view(request, body: RespModel):
    assert isinstance(body, RespModel)
    assert isinstance(body, BaseModel)

    return {"id": body.id}

Camelcase response data and response renderers

You can enable response data camelcase formatting

# views.py
import djhug
from djhug.content_negotiation import json_renderer

routes = djhug.Routes()

@routes.get("api/(?P<year>[0-9]{4})/", re=True)
def api(request, year, name: int, date: datetime):
    loc = locals()
    del loc["request"]
    return {"some_data": 1, **loc}

Content-Type: application/json

    "someData": 1,
    "date": "2020-10-12T12:00:00",
    "name": 2,
    "year": "2000"

Routes prefix

Specify prefix in Routes object to add prefix to all urls

# views.py
import djhug

routes = djhug.Routes(prefix="api")

def api_method(request, year, month: int = 1):
    return {"year": year, "month": month}

>> {"year": 2019, "month": 1}


DJHUG_RESPONSE_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS = {"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"}
DJHUG_REQUEST_PARSERS_MODULES = ("dotted.path.to.request_parsers",)
DJHUG_RESPONSE_RENDERERS_MODULES = ("dotted.path.to.response_renderers",)

To start example app

make venv
source activate
cd example
./manage.py runserver


  • Docs and examples
  • Coverage
  • Openapi, swagger
  • Add exception handler