
Vienna.TXT Blog - Journal.TXT Blog Live Sample w/ Jekyll (and GitHub Pages) - Auto-Built from Vienna.TXT

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Vienna.TXT Blog

Journal.TXT Blog Live Sample w/ Jekyll (and GitHub Pages) - Auto-Built from Vienna.TXT

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year:  2017
month: July
day:   Mon 17

Jumping on tram #1 in front of the Staatsoper (state opera house). 
Circling the Ringstrasse (grand boulevard vienna ring road) 
for a great tour with a public transport ticket.
Passing the Hofburg (imperial palace), Parlament, 
Burggarten (imperial court's garden), 
Rathaus (city council), Burgtheater (imperial court's theatre),
Vienna University, and more. [...]

day:   Tue 18

Visiting the imperial palace Schönbrunn - the former summer residence
of the Habsburg family.
Taking an inside tour of the 1 441-room baroque palace.
Enjoying the Neptune Fountain and sculptures in the public garden. [...]

day:   Wed 19

Visiting the Sigmund Freud Museum in Bergstrasse 9. Too much culture - 
need a beer therapy soon.
Passing through the Palais Lichtenstein to the
Beaver Brewing Co. (Liechtensteinstraße 69). [...]

(Source: samples/Vienna.TXT)