

Welcome and thank you for taking time to read this:

We are a tech start up based in South Africa,

A luta continua is deeply rooted in the age of using technology to make the world a better place than we found it through the means of the value of date. A luta continua which is translated from portugese which means the stuggle continues. We aim to collect, analysis and map data on conflict found in Africa/South Africa by the means of surveys, quiz's, interviews with parties involved, communities, government, NGO's and the private sector.

Our team is found around the world but again we would like the pilot project to be in South Africa. What brings us here is to be able to build an mobile app and website that would be able to track social media with specific words. But moring forward we aim to be the go to start up for data on conflict accross africa But please we need help with regards to code and the technical side of this.

Key Facts:

A luta continua is Johannesburg based technology start up providing web based and mobile app identify, collect data and verify. The company aims to developed proprietary algorithms and artificial intelligence to address a need to have data on the types of conflict found in South Africa The team consist of experience technology driven individuals from India, Israel and South Africa The company is in the process of creating a prototype game with specially designed surveys The company has found important partnerships with Local Drug Action Committees, Youth centers and rehabilitation centers

Our mission is to teach people to resolve conflicts productively; to promote mutual understanding of individuals and groups throughout the country, to enhance the climate of the democracy and to identify, collect data and to verify all data for future use by researchers, governments and NGOs.

Our vision is to become and essential and critical resource for communities, NGO’s and governments to effectively deal with areas that are plagued with conflict.

the problem we trying to address

Currently there is no Big Data that is available to the public on what types of conflict is found in South Africa, which can give an early warning, real-time awareness and the ability to give real- time feedback.

Giving people core skills like the ability to resolve conflict productively

Understanding the root causes of the conflicts found in South Africa and globally.