
A javadoc doclet that implements the @hidden tag and that can be used with JDK prior to version 9

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


This javadoc doclet is used to create an annotation which can exclude methods and variables from java documentation generation.

It is based on ExcludeDoclet that can be found at several places on the Internet, which use the @exclude tag.

However, since Java 9, the @hidden annotation was implemented and natively recognized by javadoc. Moreover, the new javadoc API used since Java 11 is not anymore compatible with the "old" StandardDoclet.

This HiddenDoclet allows using the @hidden tag in Java source code, independently of the JDK version that is used.

For Java < 9

  • Use the @hidden tag before any method or variable you don't want to appear in the API documentation of your application.
  • Use the HiddenDoclet with javadoc.

A precompiled HiddenDoclet.jar is available in the "releases" section of this GitHub project.

For Java >= 9

  • Use the @hidden tag before any method or variable you don't want to appear in the API documentation of your application.
  • Do not use HiddenDoclet, as the @hidden tag is natively implemented.

Example ANT task that automatically uses the right version

If no changes are needed in the java code of your classes, the parameters to use with javadoc depend on the JDK you use. It is, however, rather easy to automate the task, as in this example ANT snippet.

A complete example can be found in the Nodus GitHub project.

    <condition property="OldJavadocAPI">
        <contains string="${ant.java.version}" substring="1.8" />
    <target name="ApiDoc" description="Generates the javadoc API html documents."
        depends="ApiDoc-old, ApiDoc-new">
    <target name="ApiDoc-old" description="Makes the javadoc API html documents." if="OldJavadocAPI">
        <javadoc sourcepath="${basedir}/src" destdir="${basedir}/api" maxmemory="256m" 
            encoding="UTF-8" docencoding="UTF-8" charset="UTF-8" 
            doclet="HiddenDoclet" docletpath="${basedir}/devtools/HiddenDoclet.jar"
    <target name="ApiDoc-new" description="Makes the javadoc API html documents." unless="OldJavadocAPI">
        <javadoc sourcepath="${basedir}/src" destdir="${basedir}/api" maxmemory="256m" 
            encoding="UTF-8" docencoding="UTF-8" charset="UTF-8" 