
Parses information in ticket aztec codes according to UIC 918-3

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Parses online tickets for trains following UIC 918-3 and checks the signature


sudo apt install kaitai-struct-compiler


  1. Run bootstrap.sh to setup the environment (python requiements, generate models, downlad keys)
  2. Scan the aztec code of the online ticket e.g. using your phone and write the binary data into a file
  3. Run python examples/parse.py examples/ticket-visible-in-a-movie-scene


The example directory contains a file that was extracted from a ticket that was once visible in a movie scene and probably contains fake data. This is the output of this script:

== HEADER ==
version: 01
issuer: 0080
signature_key_id: 00006
signature: 302c02144825665130eae29c9ee2045f10c4e54701ce2a8002143b27279307cc42e43ebfd8ba689e2a92147203da00
payload_size: 0234
-- U_HEAD --
Version: 01
company: 0080
ticket_id: PA2B1H-5
edition_time: {'year': '2018', 'month': '11', 'day': '12', 'hour': '21', 'minute': '04'}
flags: {'international': False, 'test': False}
languages: ['DE', 'DE']
-- 0080BL --
Version: 03
Valid from: 19112018
Valid to: 19112018
Serial: 362243814
001: Super Sparpreis
002: 1
003: B
009: 1-0-0
012: 0
014: S2
015: Hamburg
016: Frankfurt(Main)
021: HH-Hbf  8:28 IC2279
023: Holzer-Nims Sophie
026: 13
028: Sophie#Holzer-Nims
031: 19.11.2018
032: 19.11.2018
035: 2549
036: 2042
== RAW ==
{ 'header': { 'issuer': '0080',
              'payload_size': '\x00\x00\x000234',
              'signature': '302c02144825665130eae29c9ee2045f10c4e54701ce2a8002143b27279307cc42e43ebfd8ba689e2a92147203da00',
              'signature_key_id': '00006',
              'version': '01'},
  'payload': [ { 'content': { 'company': '0080',
                              'edition_time': { 'day': '12',
                                                'hour': '21',
                                                'minute': '04',
                                                'month': '11',
                                                'year': '2018'},
                              'flags': {'international': False, 'test': False},
                              'languages': ['DE', 'DE'],
                              'ticket_id': 'PA2B1H-5\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'},
                 'length': '0053',
                 'record_id': 'U_HEAD',
                 'version': '01'},
               { 'content': { 'pairs': [ { 'content': 'Super Sparpreis',
                                           'id': '001'},
                                         {'content': '1', 'id': '002'},
                                         {'content': 'B', 'id': '003'},
                                         {'content': '1-0-0', 'id': '009'},
                                         {'content': '0', 'id': '012'},
                                         {'content': 'S2', 'id': '014'},
                                         {'content': 'Hamburg', 'id': '015'},
                                         { 'content': 'Frankfurt(Main)',
                                           'id': '016'},
                                         { 'content': 'HH-Hbf  8:28 IC2279',
                                           'id': '021'},
                                         { 'content': 'Holzer-Nims Sophie',
                                           'id': '023'},
                                         {'content': '13', 'id': '026'},
                                         { 'content': 'Sophie#Holzer-Nims',
                                           'id': '028'},
                                         {'content': '19.11.2018', 'id': '031'},
                                         {'content': '19.11.2018', 'id': '032'},
                                         {'content': '2549', 'id': '035'},
                                         {'content': '2042', 'id': '036'}],
                              'serial': '362243814',
                              'valid_from': '19112018',
                              'valid_to': '19112018'},
                 'length': '0303',
                 'record_id': '0080BL',
                 'version': '03'}]