
GNU Radio block for demodulating FSK signals


This blocks takes a frequency modulated signal, filters out other frequencies, demodulates it, recovers the clock and outputs the result as bit stream

What is this about?

Frequency Shift Keying is a way to transmit information over radio waves. By sending radio waves a bit faster and slower, two states can be encoded that are used of zeros and ones.


  1. Open fsk-demod.grc in GNU Rradio Companion
  2. Execute the Flowgraph


The block is now available in the category GRC Hier Blocks.


Parameter Unit Description
Center frequency Hz The frequency around the signal moves up and down
Multiplication 1 1: high frequency = 1, -1: high frequency = 0
Sample rate Hz The sample rate of the input signal
Frequency deviation Hz The amount the signal deviated from the center frequency