
A create-react-app based film tracking web application.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

ICT Skills 2 Assignment.

Name: Jordan Harrison


Filmtrack is a React & Firebase app that uses the TMDB API to track movies and keep a log of favourites & a watch list.

  • Firebase user login & database
  • Axios for API calls
  • TailwindCSS & DaisyUI Design System
  • Functional searching
  • Similar movies on single movie page
  • React-persist for persistent variables

Setup requirements.

  • Clone this repository
  • Rename .env.example to .env and fill in your API & Firebase details
  • Install dependancies with npm i
  • Run the application using npm start

App Design.


  • /login - Log into the application
  • /register - Register an account
  • /reset - Reset your password
  • /account - Account page
  • /movies/popular - Show popular movies
  • /movies/trending - Show trending movies
  • /movies/upcoming - Show upcoming movies
  • /movies/search - Search for a movie
  • /movies/:id - Show details for a specific movie
  • /tv/popular - Show popular tv shows
  • /tv/top - Show top rated tv shows


Account pages - Login, Register, Reset Password, My Account

Search movies

Single movie view

Component catalogue.

N/A - Storybook broken


Data stored in firebase + using react-persist library to store favourites


Authentication has been implemented using Firebase. I wrote a post on how I implemented this on my blog.

Server-side persistence

User favourites are persisted in a firestore database, and are stored a variable in the context provider when logged in.

Additional features

loading animation (red bar at top of screen) axios for api calls

Independent learning

Since I started my new role as an Associate Software Developer, the stack I am working with is very react-based. I have done lots of independant learning, with the most notable sources being The Beginner's Guide to React by Kent C Dodds and udemy.