
Minio Event ==> RabbitMQ Message ==> Spring Boot listener ==> Datasource

Primary LanguageShell

Requestor Data API

Listens for incoming Message Queue messages that are uploaded data to minio.


The necessary stack was dockerized, so that it is easier to start up the API. The stack includes: RabbitMQ, Minio, Cassandra and the Spring Boot application.

 Docker Compose

The whole stack is integrated with Docker Compose, it has the following services and volumes defined:

  • requestor-data-api: Spring Boot application for the API, it will listen to messages from RabbitMQ
  • rabbitmq-service: RabbitMQ instance that is going to be listeting to events in Minio
  • minio-server: Minio server, it is configured to have a bucket called f8-requestor-data and an event for .csv files
  • minio-initializer: Runs an image of mc, the Minio Client that creates the bucket and event
  • cassandra-service: Cassandra instance as a reactive datasource

The requestor-data-api, minio-server and minio-initializer services depends on rabbitmq-service. For this reason, the wait-for-it.sh script was included, this way the dependent services will not be able to start up until rabbitmq-service has started.

Start the Service

  1. Build the .jar file of the API

    $ ./gradlew clean build
  2. Build docker images

    $ docker-compose build
  3. Start up the containers

    $ docker-compose up

Playing around

  1. Visit Minio Browser at http://localhost:9000
  2. Access the already created f8-requestor-data bucket at http://localhost:9000/minio/f8-requestor-data/
  3. Click on the + button, which is located in the bottom right corner and choose Upload File
  4. Pick up any file with the .csv extension
  5. Look at the logs of the requestor-data-api