The purpose of this project is to make an accessible and easy to use application that displays events of a variety of categories when supplied with a specified date and location.
- Entertain Me's user interface is very straight forward. Initially the user will be presented with three input fields; location, date, and category, followed by a Search button.
- The location field will take locations in a variety of formats. Acceptable formats include: "City", "City, State", "City, State, Country", and 5-digit postal codes. The location field has autocomplete functionality. This field is required.
- The date field accepts any dates that are not before the current date. Manually entered dates must be formatted as MM/DD/YYYY. There is also a built in calender view that can be accessed by clicking the calander icon next to the date field. This field is required.
- The catagory field is a drop down menu that offers several event catagories. This field is optional.
- With valid inputs for the location and date fields, clicking the "Search" button will load a number of cards, each displaying unique events.
- The cards consist of an image pertaining to the event, the title of the event, and a Google Maps button.
- Clicking the card will display information about the event.
Clicking the "Get Tickets" button will direct user to an external site to purchase tickets.
Clicking the Google Maps button will display a modal that can be used to get directions to the event's venue.