Guess the Movie

Command-line word guessing game that was created using constructors.

How to Play

  • Navigate to the root of game in your terminal

  • Start the game by entering node index.js

  • The game will then print out a series of underscores to represent the movie title to be guessed and ask you to "Guess a letter:"


  • The game will only accept inputs that a single letter of the alphabet that has not already been guessed:


  • The game will alert whether your guess was correct or incorrect

    • You can make 10 incorrect guesses before the game is over
  • When the word is guessed or when you run out of guesses, the game will ask if you want to play again:


  • If you choose to play again, the game will select a new movie title for you to guess

    • If all of the titles have been used, the game will ask if you want to play the whole game again

Technologies Used