=============================================================================== BUILD SETUP HOW-TO ANT Wireless in Android =============================================================================== OVERVIEW This is the general release for ANT support in Android. Implementations using the BTIPS stack or external ANT devices will require a different package. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPONENTS This repository contains: - antradio_library v1.3.1 - antradio_stack v0.8 - AntHalService v1.3.2 - ant_app v1.1.1 ANTRadioService [prebuilt] must be added manually. It is available in the following GitHub repository: ant-wireless/ANTRadioService and should be copied in to: packages/apps/ANTRadioService/ ONLY if using a power type of "bluedroid", the following components are also essential (see CONFIGURATION 3.b): - bluedroid ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONFIGURATION 1. Specify ANT Configuration: The board configuration files are located in device/<company>/<board>/ (e.g. device/ti/blaze/) Add to BoardConfig.mk: a) Define that the board has ANT support: BOARD_ANT_WIRELESS_DEVICE := "<chip>" where "<chip>" is one of the following: "chip-B" "chip-C" "wl12xx" b) If required, define where the ANT power functions are: BOARD_ANT_WIRELESS_POWER := "<power>" where "<power>" is: not required for "chip-B" not required for "chip-C" "bluedroid" for "wl12xx" Add to device.mk: a) ANT PRODUCT_PACKAGE definition: $(call inherit-product, hardware/ant_wireless/ant-wireless.mk) 2. Place "hardware/ant_wireless/ant-wireless.mk" in the Android platform source. 3. Place the source/.apk's for each component in the Android platform source. a) Place this repository in the Android root directory. b) If the BOARD_ANT_WIRELESS_POWER is defined as "bluedroid", include the bluedroid modifications found in this package to your Android platform source. Merge in to the Android root directory: bluedroid/system ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILD OUTPUT /system/framework/com.dsi.ant.antradio_library.jar /system/etc/permissions/com.dsi.ant.antradio_library.xml /system/lib/libantradio.so /system/app/AntHalService.apk /system/app/ANTRadioService.apk For debug version of the Android platform (this include userdebug and eng, but not user): /system/xbin/antradio_app For BOARD_ANT_WIRELESS_POWER := "bluedroid" /system/lib/libbluedroid.so (modified) ===============================================================================