
NLU missing properties when using Facebook Messenger Platform with Lex

jrglg opened this issue · 2 comments

jrglg commented

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Current Behavior

Jovo ìnput object doesn't have nlu property when using Lexv2 plugin, but it does when using Nlp.js plugin.
Also, the tsame Lex plugin is working in Jovo Debugger.

So, no intent is present and UNHANLDED is always matched.

Lexv2 Plugin:

export const lexNluPlugin = new LexSlu({
  bot: {
    id: 'X',
    aliasId: 'X',
  locale: 'es_ES',
  region: 'eu-west-1',
  credentials: {
    accessKeyId: 'X',
    secretAccessKey: 'X+LKgu',
  fallbackLocale: 'es_ES',
  asr: true,
  nlu: true

Faceboook platform plugin (missing nlu in input):

new FacebookMessengerPlatform({
  verifyToken: 'xxxxx',
  plugins: [lexNluPlugin],
  session: {
    expiresAfterSeconds: 5,
  enabled: true,
  skipTests: true,

Jovo Debugger plugin (nlu is present in input):

new JovoDebugger({
  skipTests: true,
  nlu: lexNluPlugin,
  webhookUrl: '',
  debuggerConfigPath: './jovo.debugger.js',
  modelsPath: './models',
  enabled: true,
  ignoredProperties: ['$app', '$handleRequest', '$platform', '$mongoDb'],

Your Environment

  • Jovo Framework version used: 4 latest
  • Operating System: Windows 10

Hi @jrglg,

Quick question for debugging: Does it work if you set asr: false in the LexSlu config?

jrglg commented

Hi @jankoenig,

no, same result.

This doesn't help neither

  input: {
    supportedTypes: ['TEXT']