🔈 The React for Voice and Chat: Build Apps for Alexa, Messenger, Instagram, the Web, and more
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Update server-express to express v4.20.0 or greater
#1645 opened by rmtuckerphx - 0
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Dependency Injection not working in AWS Lambda
#1472 opened by jrglg - 0
Add type checking to resolve object
#1591 opened by acerbisgianluca - 1
Cannot convert undefined or null to object while building project files for Alexa
#1572 opened by acerbisgianluca - 4
- 0
SpeechRecognizer doesn't support enabled: false
#1574 opened by rmtuckerphx - 0
LexSlu Plugin: Expose LexRuntimeV2ClientConfig as libraryConfig and make it optional
#1563 opened by rmtuckerphx - 3
[BUG] Initializing the TestSuite Class in the test file, create a wrong sourcemap to jest. (Show the wrong error line in the error log)
#1561 opened by jBernavaPrah - 2
Cannot initialize Custom Platform. The custom platform is not seen as extended class of Plugin
#1555 opened by jBernavaPrah - 1
How to implement in a easy way a custom platform?
#1548 opened by jBernavaPrah - 1
Jovo Debugger stopped showing $output
#1540 opened by rmtuckerphx - 2
Error using audioplayer events with UNHANDLED function in GlobalComponent
#1475 opened by jakersource - 1
Don't require package-lock.json
#1527 opened by jakelevi - 1
Error: Missing required argument #1
#1521 opened by ivanoterouvigo - 1
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Unwanted Interaction between UNHANDLED, routing and order of component inclusion in app.ts
#1443 opened by fbublitz - 1
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Delete Reminder not working
#1425 opened by alvaroNicasource - 4
Support Jovo v3 with alexa-verifier-middleware: 2.0.1
#1424 opened by rmtuckerphx - 1
Return serialized concrete request/response instances in `$history?.prev?.request` and `$history?.prev?.response` to be able to use class methods.
#1415 opened by jrglg - 3
Can't upload skill.json with included householdList API
#1419 opened by NLueg - 2
CanFulfillIntentRequest failed with version 4.3.1
#1426 opened by kouz75 - 3
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Add Timings to Jovo Debugger Lifecycle
#1407 opened by rmtuckerphx - 0
Please close this
#1414 opened by jrglg - 0
Jovo Debugger UI - Copy button
#1408 opened by rmtuckerphx - 1
Create Improved Polly TTS plugin that includes caching, $tts object, and expanded $response objects
#1334 opened by rmtuckerphx - 1
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Error mongodb-client-encryption at bundle script
#1381 opened by jrglg - 11
Provide a Platform-independent way to update speech and reprompt values in $response
#1342 opened by rmtuckerphx - 1
Missing `input` property in StoredElementHistory
#1354 opened by jrglg - 2
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Update i18next to v21
#1366 opened by acerbisgianluca - 0
#1369 opened by alvarocardenasc - 2
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:bug: Staged configuration not applied for BasicLogging
#1335 opened by rubenaeg - 0
@If handle decorator ignored
#1351 opened by jrglg - 1
Entity does not get parsed properly
#1348 opened by bertmeeuws - 2
Returning <audio> tag in message.speech for Web client throws atob error and audio is not played
#1341 opened by rmtuckerphx - 4
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Using AskForPermissionConsentCardOutput throws error
#1336 opened by weisslertal